Page 14 - HaveFaithOct
P. 14

Day 13 & 14                                Sing a new song to him...

        Sing your song...                                             Psalm 33
        Of all the subjects I like talking about this has  der that churches use song to praise God.
        got to be one of my favourites, music and  I've never been the best at expressing myself
        song. And why not? music can be a truly spir-  except through music and writing so I thought
        itual experience and song lyrics and music  maybe this would be a good reflection to see
        can touch our hearts in so many ways. But  if anybody else shares these thoughts.  Just
        before I get in to the meat of the reflection let  take a few moments to think about your
        me tell you why I chose this subject today.  favourite music and think about what it does
        Music has been around since the early days  for you. Does it take you to days gone by?
        of the bible. If we look back to the roots of  Does it relax you? Does it inspire you? So
        music as we know it today we don't need to  many emotions and feelings can be reached.
        go back that far, just as far back as the  For me, I like to peruse around two chapters
        1400's according to my music tutor. This was  of the Bible for inspiration when I write songs.
        the time that music left the 'perfect intervals'  Not necessarily to write about faith but just
        and the 'chants' of the church and became a  for a little inspiration. These two chapters are
        source of entertainment. Without boring the  Psalms and Song of Songs. Both very beau-
        socks off you, music developed over 600  tifully written. (By the way lads, if you want to
        years to what we know today. It is indeed rich  say something really romantic to your better
        in genre's and we are so spoilt for choice in  half just check out Song of Songs 2:2, you
        our music tastes. It has become a very pow-  won't go far wrong). Some argue that music
        erful way of expression, in fact it says things  is not good, not so in my eyes. Some says it
        we find hard to talk about with any other  corrupts our youth, I say it educates. Some
        medium. It talks of love, heartbreak, joy, sad-  say it is the work of the devil yet two chapters
        ness, life, death, strength, weakness in ways  are dedicated to song in the Bible. So I will
        no other form will do. When we can express  finish by saying "Sing it loud, sing it strong,
        ourselves so well through song it is no won-  let the Lord hear your song".
        Come, just as you are...                               2 Corinthians 5:17
        How many times have you been for a job in-  what baggage we are carrying. God wants
        terview where you have had to dress smartly  us just as we are, warts and all. This has
        and you worry if you are going to be good  been so important to me recently. Not just
        enough for the position? These days, the job  spiritually but knowing no matter how my life
        market is a very cut throat world with each  has turned out, no matter where I am or
        job being fiercely competed for. Every rejec-  where I maybe going I can be safe in the
        tion knocks us down a little and we ask our-  knowledge that I don't have to prove myself
        selves what we could have done better, what  to anyone. If I'm good enough for God, then
        was better about the person who finally got  why should I worry what mortal man thinks.
        the job? I think if we all look back into our  God is amazing, gracious, loving, and forgiv-
        lives we can find times when we have had  ing, so He calls us to salvation, even though
        some form of rejection because some form  we don’t deserve it. While we were still sin-
        of imperfection, no matter how small. For  ners, Christ died for us , making it possible
        me, I remember failing a course in the army  for us to receive forgiveness. He requires us
        because of a defect in my spine. I was truly  to confess and forsake our sins when we
        gutted, I was never going to be able to  come to Him, but He receives us just as we
        achieve a goal that I had my heart set on.  are. We all sin, every single one of us, re-
        But that feeling was temporary and I  gardless of our crime he still wants us to
        bounced back.  Thankfully, there is one area  come to him. So pack up your troubles in
        of our lives where we don't have to worry  your old kit bag and just take them to the foot
        about how we look, what skills we have or  of the cross.

        | 14                                                                                                                                     Have Faith
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