Page 12 - HaveFaithOct
P. 12

Day 11                  And on this stone I shall build my church...

        Stones...                                                    1 Peter 2:5
        I remember, as a child, scrambling over the  Commandments, the stone that David killed
        prehistoric cliffs of Highcliffe-on-sea on the  Goliath with, the rock that Moses struck in the
        south coast. The cliffs were forever crumbling  desert with his staff to quench the thirst of the
        that would unearth thousands of fossils of tiny  Israelite's, there are so many. But the most
        shell fish and animals. My friend and I would  impacting passage, for me bar none, can be
        spend hours searching through the clay and  found in 1 Peter 2, Psalm 118: 22, Matthew
        mud in the hope of finding something that no-  21: 42, Acts 4: 11, Luke 20: 17-18, Mark 12:
        body had ever seen before. What an adven-  10, to name just a few. It is simple, "The stone
        ture that was. I also remember, scattered all  that the builders rejected has become the cor-
        over the beach were rocks and stones with  nerstone". The more I think about this, the
        amazing crystal formations. These formations  more impact it has on me. The more imper-
        had been formed by thousands of years of ex-  fect we are, the more God wants to use us.
        posure to the sand and salty seawater leaving  Wow, how powerful is that? I find it really re-
        a multitude of sparkling colours. I used to  assuring that no matter I much I feel rejected
        wonder what if I could break one of these  from those around me, the more God wants
        rocks open? Would it look like the precious  to use me. No matter how damaged or rough
        stones in the gem shops? Could I get rich  I may be, God has a purpose for me. Some-
        from them? The problem was how to break  times, it is only by getting damaged and tak-
        these stones open. Hmm. A child's mind is a  ing the knocks can we be truly ready to be
        wonderful place. Full of dreams and wonder...  used. As I write this, I have another passage
        Its funny, because years later, whenever I  in the bible fighting to come out. It is at Mark
        hear the phrase "He/she is my rock" my mind  2:17 "When Jesus heard this, he told them,
        wanders back to those rocks on the beach  "Healthy people don't need a doctor--sick
        and their sheer strength. No matter how I  people do. I have come to call not those who
        smashed at them with my dad's hammer, I  think they are righteous, but those who know
        wasn't strong enough to break them. There  they are sinners." These two passages, for
        was one lesson for life. A good rock can be  me, have become so important in my life.
        relied upon to stand strong for you. How  Take some time, if you can, to just mull over
        many rocks do you have in your life?  Stones  these thoughts today. I do hope they give you
        and rocks appear all over the place in the  the peace that I found in them.  Oh yes, I
        Bible. From the stones that bore the  Ten  never did break that rock!!

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