Page 7 - HaveFaithOct
P. 7
Day 5 God is in control, so do not worry...
Control... 1 Peter 1: 13-25
There are times during the year that veterans peace times when we find it hard to cope? Al-
can dread. November 5th and New Years Eve though these experiences are directed at vet-
come to mind. As the nation celebrates with erans there is no reason why anyone cant
fireworks, veterans stay indoors doing their benefit from this. So here is a new version of
best to block out the bangs, fighting back the 4C's.
memories from their past. For me, last Confirm: Confirm to yourself that there is a
November was a total nightmare. I was problem. Take a little time just to think it
caught off guard a number of times and it through and admit to yourself you need a little
seemed to be every time I managed to get help. This is by far, the most important step.
myself relaxed. Of course, it resulted in lots Do remember though, by doing this you are
of unwanted memories. However, one partic- not admitting to yourself that you are weak,
ularly loud bang brought back a memory that rather telling yourself you've been strong for
I have actually found useful. Northern Ireland too long and it's time to give yourself a break.
was the land of IED's during the time of the Clear: Clear out anything that is hampering
troubles. Thankfully most call outs or finds you from addressing your concerns. It is very
turned out to be hoaxes but I remember how easy to get wrapped up in day to day life and
we were taught to deal with them. We used let ourselves get washed away. Move away
to use a drill called the 4C's. Confirm, Clear, from any dangers, or remove dangers from
Cordon Control. By doing this we could keep your area so you can focus on dealing with
ourselves and everybody else safe. It was a the problem in hand.
set drill, everybody knew what to do, like a Cordon: Cordon yourself off from distrac-
well oiled machine, it was smooth and effi- tions. Take a little time out to rationalise your
cient. Yet we would do this in the times of thoughts. You may be able to sort things out
threat and danger. If things are that easy to here. By having a little 'alone time' you'll be
deal with in times of conflict when the prover- amazed how life seems to slow down a little.
bial heat is on and we are under immense Control: Control your environment. Be pre-
pressure to act in order to save life then why pared for anything that you know may be ap-
is it so difficult to control our actions, thoughts proaching and take steps to lessen the
and emotions in times of peace when we just effects. If possible, don't be alone. Have
hear bangs, or anything else that reminds us someone around to talk to and tell them how
of the past. To be honest, I don't have the an- you feel. This will help to control your own
swers of how our minds work, I have a few thoughts and emotions.
theories but not being an expert it wouldn't be Finally, remember there is always someone
right for me to comment. But one thought oc- to turn to who watches over you constantly.
curred to me, if the 4C's worked in times of He is always there and always willing to listen.
conflict then couldn't a similar drill help us in Try it out? What have you got to lose.
Have Faith 7 |