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        Welcome to Have Faith.  A booklet designed to stir the
        grey matter with thoughts and reflections straight
        out of the head of a British Army Veteran.  Before
        we go any further, I would like to stress that I am
        no clergyman, nor am I in any way preaching or
        trying to convert any reader to my personal
        spiritual thinking.  This is merely a collection of
        reflections designed to encourage anyone who
        flicks through the pages, to a bright and positive
        way of thinking.  Of course I do use text and
        passages from the Bible which helps me to put my
        thoughts and problems into perspective but feel free
        to seek your own spiritual guide through whatever faith
        you follow.  After serving 22 years in the British Army, I was
        faced with many challenges in trying to adapt back into civilian life which lead to quite
        a sever mental health issue but through the help of many friends and re-establishing
        my faith, I found many answers and an awful lot of peace.  So here it is.  A monthly
        collection of scribblings to attempt to help you all get through your day.  Yes. I have
        set this up so you can read a reflection each day with the fond hope that you may
        find the peace in your lives which you all deserve.  God bless all.

        Copyright © 2017 Have Faith in association with The Sandbag Times.  All rights reserved. This
        book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the
        express written permission of the publisher

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