Page 5 - HaveFaithOct
P. 5

Day 3             No greater love than he who lays down his life...

        Love...                                                 1 Corinthians: 13
        Probably the strongest emotion we possess is  condemned, he knew that he was going to die
        love. It defines who we are as humans and  in total agony. He had chance after chance to
        provides the foundation for everything that we  get himself off the hook during his trial yet be-
        do. It's power can blow us away, it's very in-  cause of the love that filled his heart he chose
        fectious and no matter how much of it we give  to die to save us all. He took all of the sins that
        away we always have it in abundance. It is our  we commit, have committed and will commit
        greatest possession, the greatest gift we have  to the cross with him and bore the pain so we
        been given and the best present we can give  wouldn't have to. To me, Jesus is the ultimate
        each other. Soldiering is not thought of as an  soldier and the greatest of heroes.  Also imag-
        occupation connected to love but I found a  ine how God's heart was breaking when he
        passage in the Bible that threw that notion out  witnessed all of this. Of course, this had to
        of the window for me but at the same time  happen to save us all but why would he go to
        captured the very essence of a soldier.  the extreme of seeing his only son suffer so
        "Greater love has no-one than this, that he lay  much for the sake of others. Because he loves
        down his life for his friends" (John 15:13).  us so much, that's why. He loves us so much
        When I read this two thoughts come to mind.  that he gives us this unending supply of love
        Firstly, the love that servicemen have in their  to give to each other. He wants us to spread it
        hearts that not only are they willing to lay down  around and give it away freely. It truly is the
        their lives for their friends but also for people  most precious gift we have. But because it is
        they do not know. That is some powerful love.  so precious we must protect it and ensure that
        Secondly, I got to thinking about Jesus giving  it never dies. We must protect it like a soldier
        up his life in such a horrific way just so our  protects his medals. After all, love is the re-
        wrong doings could be forgiven. Now Jesus  ward for our battle against sin won for us by
        knew what needed to be done when he was  the ultimate soldier.

        Have Faith                                                          5 |
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