Page 4 - HaveFaithOct
P. 4
Day 2 Hope anchors the soul...
Hope... Romans 5: 1-5
Where would we be if we didn't have hope in hit just about as low as anyone could go. For
our lives? Imagine soldiers going into a war- me at the time there was only one way out. I
zone without the hope of a peaceful outcome. didn't want to take that route but I felt I had no
Recent thoughts brought me to last years an- option. Despite being on my own and feeling
niversary of the Somme. I thought about what totally isolated, I wasn't. One remained. I have
was going through the minds of the Tommies to admit I have never been the most Christian
in the trenches. Hoping that the war would end or religious of people. But I did realise that
before the big push, then hoping and praying when I had got to that point and had no one
that it would be cancelled at the last minute, left to turn to, God was there. Of course not in
and then as the whistles blew, hoping and the physical sense but I knew he was there.
praying they would survive. I thought about Sounds a bit weird and far-fetched, I know but
what was going through their mind as they it's true. What's more, because of this, be-
crossed no-man's land, facing their own mor- cause of everything I have been through I
tality surrendering themselves to the hope of know there was a reason for it. I can now see
being with God should they fall, hoping that what so many other veterans are going
their sacrifice would bring peace and wouldn't through, I may not have the answers (Yet) but
be in vain. It's a very powerful and very sober- I can be there for them without being conde-
ing thought that even in the darkest of places scending or without judging them. This to me
and times, hope still exists. I could go on for is a gift that God has given me and I thank him
hours of the instances in the Bible where hope every day for it. It is the easiest thing in the
and faith have brought people through their world for me to sit back and say don't give up,
troubles but I'll just give you a little advice on there is always hope but please, I beg you,
that one. Do what I did, open up the new tes- don't take my word for it. Don't make my mis-
tament and look for yourself. You'll be amazed take and wait until everything has gone pear-
at what you find. I now sit here reflecting on shaped and you are left on your own before
my recent journey where I thought there was you ask God for help. Do it first, you may be
no hope, in my mind everything was lost. I had surprised what happens next.
| 4 Have Faith