Page 3 - HaveFaithOct
P. 3
Day 1 For we walk by faith. not by sight...
Have Faith... Hebrew 11 and Matthew 8: 5
As servicemen, having faith is a natural and God wants for us. All he wants is for us to
daily occurrence. They have faith in their love each other, live in peace and lead the
comrades that they watch their backs and best lives we can. A thought occurred to me
that they do their job to the best of their abil- of the amount of faith he must have in us as
ity. They have faith in the equipment they his children to give us the free will to make
use that it will perform correctly. They have our own decisions. Despite all of this trust,
faith in their commanders that they will we, as humans, constantly let him down
make the correct decisions. Sometimes with our sins, yet despite this he constantly
those decisions are not what they like, it forgives us no matter what. Now that is love.
may mean they are put into dangerous situ- But, just as we have faith win each other
ations or it may just upset their normal daily within our ranks, we must have faith in him.
lives. Regardless of this they know it is for We must have faith that he loves us and is
the greater good and they do it anyway hav- working for our good behind the scenes
ing faith that they are doing the right thing. each and every day of our lives. We should
We have faith in them that they will serve have faith that he forgives us no matter of
their country and keep us all safe. All of this the wrongs we do or how many times we
is based on the concept of having faith. wrong him. We should have faith that he is
When our forces go into battle, they are always there for us when everything falls
equipped with the knowledge that it is to de- around us. He is always there, he never
feat evil, oppression and suffering and to re- ever leaves our side. All we need to do is
store peace and goodness. This is what have faith in him. Just have faith.
Have Faith 3 |