Page 10 - HaveFaithOct
P. 10

Day 9         Forgive one another, as God in Christ forgave you...

        Reconcilliation...                                Matthew 5: 23-26, 38-48
        There is no doubt in my mind that hatred is  tell you know, at times like this Satan is smil-
        the poison of mankind. We see hatred in the  ing from ear to ear and loving every second.
        news everyday with acts of violence, murder,  The bible is full to the brim of instances of for-
        terrorism, the list goes on. It exists in our  giveness and reconciliation. Consider the
        newspapers, social media, on the TV destroy-  story of Joseph in Genesis. After his brothers
        ing everything good. But we don't have to go  hated him, threw him in a pit to die, then sold
        nearly as far as that to see hatred. It exists in  him as a slave in which he was wrongly im-
        our towns and cities, in our streets and even  prisoned, even after he rose in power and had
        in our very own homes. The enemy uses all  the power to do as he wished to them, he for-
        sorts of weapons to wreak havoc on our har-  gave them, embraced them and reunited with
        mony. Pride and temper are two of his  them once more. That is what forgiveness is
        favourites and seem to be ever present in dis-  all about.  So let's think for a moment about
        putes in our homes and between our friends  those we have parted company from. At one
        which, very sadly, can seriously damage or  point you were close to them. There were
        even end relationships. It is so sad to see  good reasons why you were once so close,
        good friends break apart when situations can  try to remember them without thinking of the
        so often be sorted out. Satan absolutely loves  reason why you parted. Why not ask God to
        this.  When we fall out with someone it is very  help you to revisit those times and show you
        easy to develop a dislike for them especially  what it was like. But do remember the enemy
        if they have wronged us, abused our trust or  will be close by to push those hateful thoughts
        just simply upset us in some way. That old  back into your mind. Don't give him the satis-
        saying comes to mind "You only hurt the ones  faction.  As a final point, Jesus died on the
        you love". Mostly its because the ones that  cross to bear our sins. He did this so ALL of
        hurt us are the one we least expect it from.  us could be saved from our sins because at
        This makes it so much harder for us to for-  some point ALL of us are wrong. Does that
        give.  So how do we free ourselves from this?  mean that at some point we may have sinned
        Do we go and tell others how bad your friend  as badly as our friend, partner, family mem-
        has treated you? Do you seek revenge? Or  ber. I do believe so or Jesus died on that
        do you simply just avoid them all together? I  cross for absolutely nothing.

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