Page 13 - HaveFaithOct
P. 13

Day 12                         imitate me, just as I imitate Christ...

        Role Model, Soul Model...                              1 Timothy 1: 12-17
        Do you have someone that you look up to  the same belief, he was even a witness to the
        and strive to be like? I expect most of us do,  stoning of one of the disciples, Stephen. He
        parents, siblings, world leaders, inspirational  really wasn't a very nice man. But if you read
        figures, sports stars, pop stars, the list goes  Acts in the New Testament, you will see how
        on. For me, growing up, it was always my  he was spoken to by the Lord and turned
        dad. This indestructible, strong, military like  from his old life to becoming one of the apos-
        man that commanded respect in our house-  tles. Indeed, he was imprisoned and be-
        hold. He served in the Royal Hampshire Reg-  headed for his teachings of Christ. But how
        iment during the 60's, the same regiment I  is it a man can go from so much hate towards
        was to join some 20 years later. Yep, he was  his brother, commit horrendous atrocities,
        my role model, I wanted to be just like him.  commit so many bad sins to eventually be-
        As I grew and got older I came to respect  coming the most spoken about Saint in his-
        many people in life. I especially respected  tory?  The answer is simple.  Through the
        people like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther  forgiveness, grace and love of God. Is it pos-
        King, and so many others that stood up for  sible that people in our day and age could do
        what they believed in and would never give  the same? Could someone who has spent
        in to persecution or oppression. But me, I  years in prison for terrible crimes become a
        could never be like these super humans.  person of inspiration and looked up to as
        They had qualities that I could only dream of.  someone that is good and decent? It is sad
        I didn't have what these people had, I cer-  that humanity doesn't forgive as readily as
        tainly wasn't as good as them and I certainly  God. People like this do exist. Maybe they
        didn't live the kind of lives that they did. I can  are just harder to recognise, I don't know. But
        see the big mistake in my thinking as I write  to me St Paul went from spiritual rags to
        this. By looking up to these people I put my-  riches. Now that is a good role model.  But I
        self below them and convinced myself that I  also have a soul model too. That is someone
        could never be good enough. But looking  I wish to base my own soul and spirit on.
        back at these thoughts I have to ask myself  Someone who's actions, love and goodness
        how could I be the best I possibly could if my  inspires me to follow him, but to do this I need
        mind is already telling me I'm already de-  to train my soul to be like him, to do the things
        feated?  These days, I still do have a role  he did, to love the way he did and to forgive
        model but I also have a soul model too. My  the way he did. Only one fits the bill in my
        role model is St Paul. People may think of this  eyes, Jesus. By having Jesus as our soul
        as a little strange but to me, he is the perfect  model we will not go far wrong as Christians.
        example of what can be achieved. Imagine a  After all, being a Christian means we are
        man who hated Christians so much he would  striving to be Christ-like, a very difficult but not
        have them thrown into prison just for believ-  impossible task. We will never be as good as
        ing in Jesus. He would have them stoned for  him but in this case, it doesn't hurt to try.

        Have Faith                                                         13 |
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