Page 49 - WAMmay
P. 49
Alexis Poulicakos
mr green eyes
r. Green eyes is about a past with hardened standards and to
Mrelationship I was in. It is never expect anything less that the
about someone I loved dearly, but utmost respect. And now 4 years
alas it could not work. He had the later I am still recovering. I am now
most piercing green eyes, and a living with and engaged to a won-
personality that just made you fall derful man, who does everything
in love. He was someone who loved from opening doors, to cooking for
to laugh and joke, and that’s what me. I’ve known him since middle
made all the difference, but there school, and he’s been everything I
were red flags that I chose to ignore, needed him to be whenever I need-
and as they say “the things you ig- ed him. He’s the definition of what
nore in the beginning are the things a man should be; a standard that no
that will destroy you in the end” and women should expect less of.
in this instance were
devastating. My music career started in Novem-
ber of last year. I was sighned to a
“ eyes” was a very insecure record
individual, and would often belit- company, but due to miscommuni-
tle and insult me; using personal cations I was forced to leave, how-
things, and things i confided in him ever, I now work for WWESQ and
with, to hurt and manipulate me. I could not be happier. The people
He had a way about him that made are amazing, my boss is the kindest
me believe every word he said. He person and really gos above and
told me about his inner demons, beyond for his employees. My
and somehow with that found a position is executive administra-
way to tive Assistant, and songwriter, my
emotionally cripple me, he even at dream started when I was in middle
one point encouraged me to end my school, and my skills progressed
life. And me at 16, naive and full of over the years and turned into
love wanted to fix this broken indi- someone wonderful. I feel that the
vidual. I was taught from a young pieces I write are a work of art. In
age love can fix anything, but in this my opinion “Art isn’t supposed to
case, it could not. be beautiful, its supposed to make
you feel something”. I hope with my
I went down a road I never thought music I can help change the world.
I’d be on, and I went down it with
this Growing up music was my outlet,
destructive person one who tore me and I want to be that insperation
to pieces Evey chance he got. I was for a girl or boy, cause anything can
with him for Four years and was happen in this world for an ordi-
engaged for two of them. Breaking nary person. I want to show them
the relationship off was the most that the sky is only the limit if you
freeing thing I have ever done, but make it so. That no matter the
at the time, it tore my heart into situation, you can me better of it.
shreds. This relationship left me
with the feeling of never wanting Link to Alexis’s lyrics.....
to have to beg anyone for their love
and attention ever again. It left me 49