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P. 57
Seven Spies
Paul Wright
The Songwriting Magic Formula
What’s hard, ‘and this applies to melodists and lyricists’
Is your mindset. You have to stop believing that writing great vocal melodies is beyond you and STOP
thinking that only great songwriters and famous people can do this.
That’s a big wind up of mine.
You’ve probably seen the following sort of thing written on every forum on the internet.
Such as,
Which music school did you go to, don’t give me advice’ where’s your grammy’s ?.
You can’t do this; you can’t do that.
You must learn music theory.
You must go to music college
Only TheBeatles Dylan or The Beach Boys can do that sort of thing.
Remember’ everyone who is and who has ever been famous. There was a time when they were just like you.
No fame. No riches. No money. All of them were called dreamers. But they never stopped believing that they
would be better than everyone who ever came before them.
‘’It’s time to stop listening to people who only tell you about all the things that can’t be done,
and start learning about all the things that can be done’’.
When you first get that feeling that makes you want to write a song for the very first time all sorts of
questions are going through your mind. One of the first things you ask is how do you come up with a great
melody. How do the great songwriters write a hit in an afternoon or in some cases as quickly as 10 minutes.
Is there a trick you can do on your guitar or piano etc. That will enable you to reel melodies off your
instruments one after the other all day long until you come up with one that you like. The answer is yes there
is. I will show you how this works. When you are young and growing up, when you’re wondering how things
are done. Especially in music when your hearing how great people are. Sometimes this can have an adverse
effect on your thinking. Sometimes it can make you think, why bother. I’ll never be that good.
If you go for a walk there’ll be a shortcut to get to your destination faster. On your phone or computer screen
there are shortcuts to a website or app. So that you don’t have to type the whole web address. You’ve probably
seen your kids playing on their video games, where they can’t get past a certain level, so they find a cheat to
get them to whatever level they want.
There are shortcuts in music too and once you find them or know where they are it allows making hit
melodies to be no harder than making a cup of tea or a sandwich.
Watch the introduction videos from the interactive ebook.
To see just how easy, it is to Instantly create HIT vocal melodies with the backing chords at the same time.
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