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P. 47
Stephen Kalpin
My Soul
the grave”and “This council you’ve sent across the great who had suffered a finger injury in a band called “KAOS”.
divide” Are actually referring to the letter. Frustrated by the bands unwillingness to play originasl
music he wrote his own, booked studio time and r
This letter touched me so deeply, I can not even begin ecorded it alone.
to explain,”Your words touched my very soul,”. It was a
long letter, maybe 3 or 4 pages, and it talked in general Stephens original recorded material drew interest from a
about doing what you love, “just what brings you joy”, not small label so he began writing more songs. He
something just to make a lot of money so you can have continued to play with the band and record on his own
a lot of things, “Don’t waste your life with those things, until age 29, when a virus caused him an almost total
that they try to sell”,. She said in the letter she had never hearing loss and forced him to quit music.
had any regrets about the path she chose. She also spoke
about not letting other peoples ideas and expectations After a relocation moved him far away from his musical
for you determine what you do with your life, “Now I see friends and unsatisfied with playing acoustic guitar alone,
that all my time and toils, were a broken oar, I wish I’d he began recording again.After years of comments like
known,” and how you should do what you do to make “This is too good to keep to yourself” and technology
yourself happy and not anyone else, “And you know there changes that allowed easier recording of a better quality
are those who would expect you to be, like all the rest. he began writing to publish. His first single “Banishing
Don’t be fooled with bad advice, you know what’s best.”. The Beast” was released in 2016 under the name of Seth
Koos. He has since been working on an EP to be titled
At the time, I was also going through a difficult time at “Days Of Vinyl”
my full time job. Between the unreasonable requests, the You can find a few of these tracks on SoundCloud.
backstabbers, and the constant, unending, and ultimately
futile attempts, to show I was doing something wrong, I
was not not in a good place mentally, ”Oh no I Just can’t
take this shit anymore. Cause you know I’ve gave you all
I have, and still you ask for more”. At the time I found
my only solace in music. I felt like my work was taking
everything from me, but while thinking about Rheas
letter, I realized my work could never could never take
away what makes me special, ”You can have my heart
but not my soul, Oh no it’s not mine to give,”. I spent all
my spare time playing just to get my mind off what kept
going on at work, ”So baby don’t go there Because you
know it belongs to rock and roll ….”.
In the end, I came to the realization that Rhea was right.
It didn’t matter whether or not it ever made me rich or
famous, As long as I tried, I would find love. “We must
follow our passion where it leads. Then we’ll know true
love, in your guiding light from up above”.
Stephen Kalpin AKA Seth Koos has been drawn to music
for as long as he can remember. Keenly interested in
creating original sounds, he played on his grandparents
organ from a very early age, fascinated by the effects of
combining notes and how it made him feel.
At the age of 4 or 5 he began experimenting on guitar,
looking for combinations that evoked certain feelings.
He had no formal lessons until age 11. Soon he was
playing in bands and at age 19 he replaced the bass player 47