Page 17 - Lil4
P. 17
Trapped Inside Of Me
It's 2am in the morning
Fully awake eyes opened wide
Sleep is nigh on impossible It's 4am in the morning
There's too much going on inside Desperately tired
I feel my own blood but still wide awake
race through me Battling hard to stop thinking
Pulse bursting to find a release Thoughts carry on though
Pain hammers hard on my temples there's no break
I'm desperate Cycling always back in time
for all this to cease...... Spinning fears
that sound out as screams
Trapped inside of me... Picking up speed it's distressing
Fighting so hard to break free I'm awake
Fear lives on in me... but reliving these dreams.....
Fueling my own misery
Running right through me... Trapped inside of me...
Fighting so hard to break free Fighting so hard to break free
Trapped inside of me... Fear lives on in me...
Fuelling my own misery Fueling my own misery
Running right through me...
It's 3am in the morning Fighting so hard to break free
My mind is awash with my pain Trapped in side of me...
Thoughts are constant Fueling my own misery
and random
I see pictures over again It's 5am in the morning
Sordid depraved unhappy days Daybreak brings light at long last
My past life replays I'm exhausted from lack of sleep
through my mind Time for sleeping is now long past
Around and around it goes on My eyes are wanting to close now
There isn't a pause or rewind...... My thoughts start to ease away
But sleep won't help
Trapped inside of me... for dreams haunt me
Fighting so hard to break free I must rise up
Fear lives on in me... and face the new day.....
Fuelling my own misery
Running right through me... Jane Shields (C)
Fighting so hard to break free
Trapped inside of me...
Fueling my own misery