Page 21 - Lil4
P. 21

Looking Glass

        Though the looking glass she saw      Taunted by demons every night
            A reflection near the door                Made her feel
               She turned her head               that dreams aren't good
                  to take a look              Nights of terror fear and fright
         Then felt she had been mistook             Maybe he thought
                                                     she understood
         She looked back and saw again
               The same reflection           Keep the darkness for the night
                  near the chair             Daytime flashbacks are enough
          It was now closer and her brain            In the night time
            Began to register despair               there's just fright
                                             In the day time there's real stuff
           As her gaze was drawn to it
         She watched it moving ever near      So the looking glass was broke
           She felt her unease rise a bit     And the daytime turned to fear
        And change from unease into fear       And she knew it was no joke
                                              Went to bed each night in tear
           Looking back into the room
                 She saw nothing             And the demons came and went
                that could explain                 And she fought them
          So with a sense of utter doom               good and sure
                  Glanced at the             But the nightmares won’t relent
               looking glass again                  So she fights them
                                                      true and pure
               Behind her shoulder
                 now there stood              So the looking glass was broke
            A figure staring at her face        And the demon went away
               It's form was ghastly            She was quiet never spoke
                  dripping blood            About the strangeness of that day
         Her heart was pounding at a race
                                               Carries on and doesn't look
         And as in every dream she’d had           At a mirror any more
         This demon was a perfect match           For her sanity he took
         A nightmare would drive her mad    Looking through that glass mirror
               But daytime means
                h#e's off his patch                  Jane Shields (C)

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