Page 79 - wamcountry
P. 79
Randall Rutledge
ere is how I came up with and else, and to this day we are still to- talent shows in the following country
Hgot the inspiration for the song, gether and happily married. and western clubs: The Palomino
I was living in Las Vegas at the time (Now Closed), D.J. Ranch in Long
around 1998 and it was about three I have recently re-released this album Beach, California and the Cowboy
in the morning and I couldn’t sleep Non Stop Flight on my on label Palace in Chatsworth,
so I got up and went into the living Rutledge Media group California. From 1983 to 1985 I
room and turned on the television. A served as an assistant casting director
few minutes later a commercial came with Casting Unlimited in
on that was about domestic violence Hollywood. In 1987 I had my own
about a guy beating up his wife I was Born August 23, 1961, in morning wake-up show where I
constantly and always telling her that Calhoun, Georgia a small farm town impersonated various character and
he will never hit her again and saying situated in the mountains 70 miles celebrity voices such as
to her I promise I’ll never break that northwest of Atlanta. My interest in Mickey Mouse, Clint Eastwood,
promise again. I began thinking show business started in 1967 when Jimmy Stewart, Yogi Bear as well as
about it and decided that I would a movie was being shot in my town various others on W.Q.M.T. an FM
take those words and write a song Calhoun at New Echota (a Cherokee radio station in Dalton, Georgia.
except in a more positive light instead Indian museum). The Movie was Also from January to February 1995
of the negative of domestic violence. entitled “The Trail of Tears” starring I wrote, produced, and hosted 6
Johnny Cash, a real thrill for me at six one half hour entertainment variety
So I decided to write it more in the years old, I also developed an intense shows entitled Showbiz Highlights on
vein of a guy actually in love with his interest in country music as well as cable channel 10 W.E.B.S., Calhoun,
woman and truly wanting to spend rock and roll from the 50’s. My Georgia. Shortly after The 6th show
the rest of his life with her and would musical influences that made me of “Showbiz Highlights” I decided to
never hurt her like others have in her even more interested in show relocate back to Hollywood in
past and truly never break a prom- business were Elvis Presley, Johnny pursuit of an acting and screen
ise to her and love her for ever so Horton, Merle Haggard, Johnny writing career.
that is how I came up with the song Cash, Hank Williams Sr. And Jr.,
promises. I released the song on my Marty Robbins, as well as many of I’ve written 5 screenplays “West
album Non Stop Flight initially in today’s current recording artists, such Bound 18 Wheeler”, “The Idol”,
2001 when I was on the record label as fellow Georgians Alan Jackson and “Kung Fu Shoes”, “Bad to the Bone”,
Infinity Music at the time. Travis Tritt, just to mention a few. and “Beaver Moon” as well as a TV
My favorite actors are Burt Reynolds, series concept entitled “Bright Light
This song out of all the songs that I Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Chuck City”
have written and recorded is special Norris but I also admire several
to me actually very special to me, actor’s work which has lead to my I also produced a TV pilot that is a
not because I wrote and recorded the desire to also be an actor. musical variety show entitled “The
song, but because on February 14, Street Singers” the pilot was written
2004 it was also my wedding song. I enlisted in the United States Marine and directed by 7 time Emmy award
I sang to my wife-to-be before the Corps on December 5, 1978 with winner David E. Durston (Who
marriage ceremony began. two tours of overseas duty under my Passed away May 2010) and
belt, a career in the military was out Co-Produced with Jack Damon
Now don’t get me wrong there are of the question. So at the completion formerly the character Doctor Brown
many, many songs that are, and do of my tour of duty with the Marines, from the soap General Hospital. “The
make great wedding songs. However it was off to Hollywood on January Street Singers” was awarded the Silver
we did my wife and I to be everything 22, 1982. After about a year, I start- Award at the Philadelphia
ourselves, from decorating our house ed picking up extra work in major International Film Festival /
to having the wedding in our home motion pictures such as Scarface, International Association of Motion
to making our own heart shaped Karate Kid, Rhinestone, as well as TV Picture and Television Producers Inc.
wedding cake, to putting new tile on Shows, commercials, music videos I also hosted my own TV show in Las
our kitchen floor, a project my wife to etc. Vegas on K.Y.R.K. TV Channel 35
be at the time and I did together. I felt entitled “Las Vegas Singers Roundup”
that the song I wrote and recorded Between 1987 and 1994 I traveled of which I was also the creator of the
could also be our wedding song since from Las Vegas to Nashville and back show, and at the same time created
we did everything else pertaining to to Los Angeles exploring all phases and hosted my own radio show in
ourwedding, I figured my song might of the entertainment industry from Las Vegas on K.L.A.V. 1230 AM
as well be our wedding song since we acting, screen writing, song writing, entitled “Let’s Talk Country Music”.
put our personal touch on everything producing etc. I have performed in 79