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Andrea Owen
Andrea Owen
I’m a singer/songwriter from Bournemouth, UK worked out and know exactly which path in life
and have very recently begun to release some you’re going to take and then somebody or
of my material. I’ve been writing for local something comes along and throws everything
producers and artists for a while now and was of course and makes you question everything in
lucky enough to be introduced to a popular your life to date.
producer in London whom I wrote for and he
suggested I started recording some of the The song itself and the lyrics talk about being in
songs closest to me. a relationship that hurts other people or that
people don’t approve of and that battle
I write to fit many genres; pop, dance, drum & between prioritizing your own happiness
bass and even rap! While I, like many do feel versus keeping everyone else happy around
that I have a passion for music, I love to sing, to you.
listen to all kinds of music, to dissect my
favourite songs, to dance and everything else
that makes one passionate about it, but with LFI
writing I seem to have found a ‘knack’,
something that I just do naturally and I feel it Other original music
and mean it and love it.
My newest song release is called Say Goodbye,
I’ve been fortunate enough to be asked to this song is a lively upbeat pop track however it
perform live at some UK charity festivals and covers a very dark story.
work with some really talented musicians. I also The lyrics are very light hearted and seem
enjoy trying to use any musical offering I have happy, but the song is written about an abusive
to help causes that I believe in. relationship, anyone whos ever been held back
or oppressed could relate to Say Goodbye but
My goals for the future would be to write strong for me it talks the listener through one of the
material for established artists. I hardest times of my life, its very real and very
thoroughly enjoy sending a demo to someone close to my heart and I found that using music
and them saying that they love it or it has was the only way I could talk about this time in
something. my life honestly.
The Lyrics: “You were wrong, you didn’t know”
My favourite lyrics so far come from a song This simple first line of the song says it all, that
called ‘Running’ which I wrote with a local DJ someone though they could control a person
and Producer Frazer Mitchell, he wrote and and keep them locked away from their friends
produced the track and I wrote the song lyrics. and family. They were wrong, they didn’t know
they were finally about to be beaten!
“I thought I was fine, until you caught me, now
I’m tangled in this web of deceit”
The song lyric itself refers to those times in
your life when you think you have everything 29