Page 33 - WA8a
P. 33
When Write Away the feel of the music, and had this
Magazine invited me to instrumental, I had the new sound, something I
write an article about dreaded writer's block. had never done
my new song, I was I spent weeks just before... but I loved it!
excited! Having a love writing, deleting and It was so different for
for British music and rewriting single lines. me, I'm use to writing
having lived in London Then on one gloomy deep emotional
for a while, being Wednesday, I found ballads, but this song
featured in a British myself at my mundane had such a playful
music magazine was a 9-to-5 thinking about nature.
dream come true! My how hard it is for
specific British music independent artist who I love music with a
love was the late great don't have the status of story, and I was so
Amy Winehouse, and I Chance the Rapper, happy I was able to tell
made it a mission to Dawn Richard or a story that so many
perform in her adopted Macklemore to people could relate to
home of Camden when survive. You have to and hopefully it would
I lived in London. I was work to live and fund lighten their mood on
able to your own projects and during the mid-week
accomplish this in then find time to workload. Plus, the skit
2016, but my style of actually do those at the end just brought
music has evolved so projects! I had the it all together!
much since then. Wednesday Blues.
While my colleagues Even though the song
My new single, were celebrating in it didn't fit the feel of my
Wednesday Blues, was being HumpDay, I was upcoming EP, I really
a step in a new thinking that it was still wanted to share it with
direction for my too far from the my fans and just the
musical artistry. While weekend when I could world in the fight
I'd always loved the indulge in my true against a
amazing sound of my passion: Music. boring/stressful work
vinyl Billie Holiday week. So, with out
records, I had never I just wrote, not further ado, click the
done a song in that thinking about the link to have a listen to
style. I was presented music, but just writing my new single
with the beat before I how I felt. After (produced by
wrote the song, and the having several weeks of Camacho), Wednesday
sound of the writer's block, it just Blues:
crackling of a vinyl flowed out of me like
record in the beat my pen was at one with
inspired me to make my my mind (yes, I like to s
voice match the feel of keep it old-school and https://www.insta-
a song coming through write my lyrics pen to
a phonograph. paper) Once I was done nuel/
As inspired as I was by I arranged it to the 33