Page 35 - WA8a
P. 35
ld City
Several years ago, I had an saddened by the news of the finishing up on April 5th.
idea while listening to an passing of another icon. This Ironically, it’s the same date
Alice In Chains song. So time, it was Chris Cornell. we lost both Kurt and Layne
many of those trailblazing Sitting in disbelief, I fumbled respectively, so many years
artists from the Seattle area through the radio, searching ago.
A.K.A. The Emerald City, had for more details. I stopped
such a profound impact on my the dial when that incredible "Emerald City Rain " is
early years. I wanted to pay voice caught my ear. It was available on all the major
my respects and honor those Chris singing “Say Hello 2 streaming sites and
artists whose music spoke to Heaven”. At that moment, I spinning on Radio Wigwam
me, in a way no other style of recalled the song idea I’d had https://www.radiowigwam.c
music ever has. So I grabbed so many years ago. It was
a pen and paper, and starting finally time to sit down and
writing the names of influen- gather my thoughts and pen
tial Seattle artists who have the first attempt at um/5lJ3BEgpqrXRpF0cZrY8G
since passed on. Three writing the lyrics for ‘Emerald g?si=6WSQgO1HStKcJH5ZFi
names automatically came to City Rain’. The ideas came, U6FQ
the forefront of my mind from and the ideas went, but
this genre: Andrew Wood, nothing would stick. Finally, I
Kurt Cobain, and Layne decided to make it direct, cs
Staley. While I did not know mentioning a little
them personally, the mes- something about each of
sages they delivered made me them. Andrew’s “Temple”, /jp23lyrics/
feel as if I did. The idea stuck Kurt and Layne’s struggles,
with me for a while, but I and Chris’ impact.
never really went any further p23lyrics/
than listing their names One day in February 2019, I
down. Every so often, I would finally finished my
hear a song, and think of my composition and delivered it
idea but just couldn’t figure to Steve Dillon of Rocka
out the next step. Studio. We worked together
Then, in May of 2017, I was on this project, eventually