Page 5 - HaveFaithOct
P. 5
ics Doctor
that felt right on the first draft, but that's
extremely rare. More often, I revisit and
rework and rewrite them until they really
sing, so to speak--and, of course, can be
Happy SongwR iting
or a similar program or finding a karaoke The Lyrics Doctor
version of a popular song that has a feel
similar to what you're envisioning. As
you sing or chant your lyrics, can you fit The Lyrics Doctor is the songwriter,
all the words in? Do you stumble in singer, and guitarist for The Gincident
places? Are you holding words longer and Her Dog Henry. If you have any
than you'd like? You should be able to lyrics-related questions for the doctor,
feel the problems and start to develop please send them to:
ideas to fix them.
It's great to write quickly and get
something down--more or less the entire
song--because that's one really good
way to tap into the inspiration that can
feel like you're writing on autopilot. But
later, as as you play through your
composition multiple times, you'll start
to get more familiar with what you've
written and see the weaknesses that
you'll want to improve. That's where the
real work comes in--editing yourself and
rewriting. Sure, I've written a few songs 05