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DISINGENUOUS Confusion leads to unbelievability. We
must make an effort to ensure the lyrics
Have you ever sat down to listen to a story, do not confuse the listener. All aspects of
and find it unbelievable? We have all a song contribute to this. The music, as an
heard a whopper of a story at some point example, should match what the lyrics
in our lives. This can be most obvious state, such as “killing me softly with his
when two or more people are trying to song” may be unbelievable and abrasive if
outdo each other with increasing the music was in the genre of acid rock,
dishonesty, trying to out deceit each other. not that it is not possible to do so, but it
The longer the conversation goes on, the would take on a different set of beliefs.
deeper the lies, or outright
mendaciousness. The setting should be believable. It would
be hard to believe you are driving on a
Can we believe everything we hear? highway to a tropical island on a stationary
There is a humorous quote, “If it’s on the bicycle powered row boat.
internet it must be true.”
Uncommon emotional reactions or
A song lyric should be believable. The abnormal actions inside the lyrics aid to
responsibility of this comes from both the the story being unbelievable.
writer and the singer. Since the singer
may not be the writer, sometimes the song Lack of emotions, or lack of scenery in the
does not come across as believable, or lyrics also aid to the story being not
simply it was not experienced by the believed.
Inconsistencies and mismatched emotions
As a lyricist, you owe it to yourself to lead to confusion, and as stated, make for
ensure whoever sings your lyrics can less listeners and less repeat listeners.
bring enough imagination and emotion to
put themselves into the song, as if they Rhyming in forced lines and sentences are
wrote it themselves. perhaps one of the most common errors
that lead to the listener questioning
How to make it believable? The first plausibility. Each line should be of
option is to write about something that common language as can be heard in a
actually happened. The second option is normal conversation.
to have a vivid imagination, and be able to
display that lyrically. The third option is to No one wants to be viewed as untruthful,
do some research or intel on the subject. therefore, you should make sure your
lyrics are plausible situations, declared
The alternative is to make the lyric fictitious, or believable in another way.
plausible, or intention to be fictitious. One Anything less can leave you with fewer
such famous song that uses fictitious listeners.
intention is “Rocket Man”
Do not compromise your integrity. Do not
This is not to be confused with the lyric be disingenuous.
being parabolic, using a simile, or
comparison analysis to an object or Written by Daryn Wright
anything else. Being parabolic means to
be written in parables, or riddles.
Artist at Independent Artist Management
There are many faces of unbelievable Artist at Big Matador Records