Page 11 - HaveFaithOct
P. 11

Paul Sykes
                                                                      Paul Sykes

 v{xÄÄËá iÉ|vx

          But confusion exists between thinner               semi-occluded and really helps hold the
          vocal folds (head voice) and Falsetto              air back when you’re first discovering it.
          because they both lend themselves to
          high notes. They are discretely different          Keep it light at first and don’t push.
                                                             Finally, if you’re still struggling to
          To encourage thin folds, say Yooooo. And           discover this, imagine the sound you
          then siren it. Like you’re a ghost of a            make when you’re excited.. Woo Hoo!!
          wolf. Done well, you’ll notice that the            Thin vocal folds are also used during
          voice is now in a completely different             times of surprise or excitement. Ever
          position and feeling than the voice you            noticed how some people can seemingly
          usually use to talk in.                            laugh way higher than they could if they
                                                             were to try and sing the same range?
          Once you’ve discovered this and can
          comfortable access it, pick a Joni song            Once you can do this, lightly put words in
          and sing along with her on that same               but remember to form most of the word
          Yoooooo sound. You should have it                  on the vowel, not the consonant.
          feeling relaxed and floating between the
          notes. Watch for airflow. You need                 Hope this helps you this month!
          minimum air to make this work. The
          sensation is almost an inhalation when   
          it’s working well (but of course, air is still
          moving outward).                         

          If you’re struggling to get it happening,
          ensure the front of the mouth is kept very         u
          small on the ooo. This is called


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