Page 16 - HaveFaithOct
P. 16

How To Keep Rhy

         Do you struggle with finding good            expectable. I hope we agree that             doesn't mean tha
                                                      expectable. I hope we agree that
         Do you struggle with finding good
                                                                                                   doesn't mean tha
         lyrics like I do? Do you need them           unexpected rhymes are better                 should be a goal
                                                                                                   should be a goal
         lyrics like I do? Do you need them
                                                      unexpected rhymes are better
                                                      ones. Rhyming dictionaries can
         to be the best you can come up               ones. Rhyming dictionaries can
         to be the best you can come up
         with to dare to sing them?  To
         with to dare to sing them?  To               help with finding many synonyms              My third idea is a
                                                      help with finding many synonyms
                                                                                                   My third idea is a
                                                                                                   call it vowel sculp
         perform a song with confidence               fast though.                                 call it vowel sculp
         perform a song with confidence
                                                      fast though.
                                                                                                   ”When it feels like
         has a huge impact on its per-                                                             ”When it feels like
         has a huge impact on its per-
         ceived artistic quality. Therefore
         ceived artistic quality. Therefore           My second idea is elaboration                woooo-arld/ world
                                                      My second idea is elaboration
                                                                                                   woooo-arld/ world
                                                      with delay.  If  you want to stick to  should, but I can'
         interesting rhymes are an inte-              with delay.  If  you want to stick to  should, but I can'
         interesting rhymes are an inte-
         gral part of  song-writing.  As lis-
         gral part of  song-writing.  As lis-         certain rhyming partners as in ”I            (Coldplay Everglo
                                                                                                   (Coldplay Everglo
                                                      certain rhyming partners as in ”I
                                                                                                   pronunciation of
         teners we like to hear lyrical
         teners we like to hear lyrical               don't know if  I should go”, we              pronunciation of
                                                      don't know if  I should go”, we
                                                                                                   effect on the who
         acrobatics.  As song writers we              can still make it more interesting           effect on the who
         acrobatics.  As song writers we
                                                      can still make it more interesting
         try to avoid simple rhymes. ”Don't
         try to avoid simple rhymes. ”Don't           by elaborating on those two                  go) can bring the
                                                                                                   go) can bring the
                                                      by elaborating on those two
         settle for a boring rhyme” is an             aspects of  knowledge and move-              closer together a
         settle for a boring rhyme” is an
                                                                                                   closer together a
                                                      aspects of  knowledge and move-
         important piece of  advice by                ment: ”Sometimes there's no way              rhyme.
         important piece of  advice by
                                                      ment: ”Sometimes there's no way
                                                                                                   rhyme. but it leaves             you could know if  it's worth to but it leaves
                                                      you could know if  it's worth to
         us with the question, how to                 stay or better to go”.  Rhyming              The fourth idea w
         us with the question, how to
                                                      stay or better to go”.  Rhyming
                                                                                                   The fourth idea w
         actually avoid expectable word-              know with go is not boring per se            keeping rhymes i
                                                      know with go is not boring per se
         actually avoid expectable word-
                                                                                                   keeping rhymes i
         ings.                                        if  we add bits of  information.             maybe the most d
                                                      if  we add bits of  information.
                                                                                                   maybe the most d
                                                      There is a secondary advantage               know there is a rh
                                                      There is a secondary advantage
                                                                                                   know there is a rh
         Rhyming dictionaries are quite               to this: Longer phrases allow for            with two poles ba
         Rhyming dictionaries are quite
                                                                                                   with two poles ba
                                                      to this: Longer phrases allow for
         popular these days.  My first idea           tension and variety with words               probability namel
         popular these days.  My first idea
                                                                                                   probability namel
                                                      tension and variety with words
         is to use them but in a different            andmelody and therefore being                unexpectable. Sim
         is to use them but in a different
                                                                                                   unexpectable. Sim
                                                      andmelody and therefore being
         way: avoid the given suggestions             original.  This can be of  value if          we hear often is e
         way: avoid the given suggestions
                                                      original.  This can be of  value if
                                                                                                   we hear often is e
         – not at all costs but mostly these  you discover that your melody is                     don't worry, I'm n
         – not at all costs but mostly these  you discover that your melody is
                                                                                                   don't worry, I'm n
         orthography-based matches are                the same as someone else's.  It              statistics here bu
                                                                                                   statistics here bu
         orthography-based matches are
                                                      the same as someone else's.  It
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