Page 13 - HaveFaithOct
P. 13

Bill Halloran
                                                             Bill Halloran

 m The Classics

                                                                       something where the speaker
                                 This may not be Shakespeare,          and /or listener has the prob-
                                 but can you see how we’ve             lem come home to roost.
                                 set a machine in motion that
                                 will keep sort of ticking along       Then, ..... did you guess?  A
                                 til we have ... a song!               solution, using (or perhaps
                                                                       defeating?) the principle we
                                 And, if we come back in a             set up and sent off ticking.
                                 week and decide the central           The better our proverbial
                                 idea is worthwhile, we can            wisdom, the better the song
                                 replace the weakest lines             we end up with. At best, all
                                 following the same inherent           we need is a little
                                 logic.                                sharpening/polishing .... at
                                                                       worst, we set something in
                                 For the writers of the                motion on a day where we
                                 classics, the usual next step         knew we should try to write,
                                 is a historical famous example        but weren’t really in the
                                 that illustrates the principle …      mood.
                                 perhaps something about
                                 building the pyramids (though         Because it really is true: You
                                 that rhyme’s gonna be a               can’t finish a job til you
                                 problem!)                             start....

                                 Then we turn it personal,             You can check out more from
                                 immediate …. ”Baby, we need           Bill at his website:
                                 to start building our love”
                                 seems horrible, but         

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