Page 14 - HaveFaithOct
P. 14

Offbeat In

            Don’t disregard the unusual...                      Seasons of Wither, by Aerosmith

            Have you ever partially written a piece of          Seasons of Wither is a much-loved ballad
            music or some lyrics, only to discard it            from Aerosmith’s second album. It has an
            because you feel it is too odd? Perhaps             odd and haunting feel to it and a great
            you’re striving for commercial success              backstory.  Steven Tyler has explained
            and what you’ve created doesn’t fit with            that he wrote this song in the winter of
            your notions of what’s required to score a          1973 using a dumpster guitar that the
            chart hit? Or it just doesn’t sound like the        band’s drummer Joey Kramer had given
            genre or style of music that you’re                 him. Tyler commented  ‘It could only take
            associated with?                                    four strings because the neck was bowed.
                                                                You could shoot arrows with it’.  And yet
            Don’t be too quick though to discard                the limitations of that damaged guitar
            those offbeat ideas. Being different may            influenced the chords that Tyler strummed
            be the thing that helps deliver an                  when creating the song. If he’d been
            unexpected breakthrough.                            working with a better guitar then that
                                                                song wouldn’t have had that standout
            Let’s look at some examples:                        ethereal feel.

            Sweet Child O’Mine, By Guns                         Bohemian Rhapsody, by Queen
                                                                Bohemian Rhapsody is surely one of the

            The distinctive guitar intro to Sweet Child         most famous songs of all time, and the
            O’Mine is instantly recognisable to anyone          reason that I’ve included it on the list is
            who has ever heard it, regardless of                because it’s a non-conformist hit. Firstly, it
            whether they are a fan of the band, or its          mixes various genres – cappella intro,
            heavy rock genre. However, guitarist Slash          then a mix of glam metal and cod-opera.
            hadn’t intended for it to be used in a song.        It’s not something that record company
            He was sitting around one day and was               execs would normally touch. It’s also
            playing that riff because it provided a             interesting to read that Freddie Mercury
            good workout for his fingers. He                    had commented to his band mates that he
            described it in a later interview as ‘sort of       had written enough material for three
            a finger twister’. Fellow Guns N’Roses              songs but had decided to blend them into
            guitarist Izzy Stradlin heard it and started        one long extravaganza.
            playing some chords to accompany it.
            And singer Axl Rose had also heard it and           This approach means it doesn’t fit snugly
            went away and wrote some lyrics.                    with standard song writing conventions.
                                                                Finally, it comes in at nearly six minutes

            The rest, as they say, is history, and that         long, which would have been at odds with
            song helped launch the band to become               many radio shows’ playlist criteria.
            one of the biggest bands on the planet.             Despite all this, it would go onto be the
                                                                band’s biggest hit, and has been streamed

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