Page 18 - HaveFaithOct
P. 18

Reducing Feelings Of Overwhel

        We’ve all been there.  We are working on              2) move on to something else where the specific
        something, and we’re not sure where to go next.       path forward is more clear or, only if all else fails
        We get overwhelmed and start to judge
        ourselves, “this is too hard,” “I have no talent.”    3) take a break from what I’m doing to clear my
        At it’s worst, this can produce so much tension       head and let my subconscious start to work on
        that we avoid doing the things we need to do to       it.
        make forward progress, as they become
        associated with overwhelm and negative beliefs.       GETTING MORE DONE
        This issue can become intensified by cultural
        stereotypes of the “tortured artist” or “burning      I’m not being lazy as I usually keep working. I’m
        out entrepreneur” who is always  bashing their        adding time and energy to my work because my
        head against the wall in service of their mission.  subconscious is working during my “down time.”
                                                              It’s even working on one thing when I’m working
        PAUSING                                               on something else! Sometime I’ll be writing one
                                                              song and a line for another song I’m working on
        I finally realized years ago that I’m often better    pops into my head.
        off “pausing and priming.” First, I pause
        whatever it is that I’m working on and stop           Of course, sometimes you have a deadline you
        myself before I get to the point of being             can’t get around, and it can often be helpful to
        overwhelmed. I take a breath, slow down, and          give yourself a period to increase your focus.
        calm myself.                                          But life can be so much happier if you can
                                                              balance that with a desire to reduce
        PRIMING                                               unnecessary stress.

        Secondly, I “prime” my subconscious by                My music students usually enjoy the idea of
        defining very specifically what I am trying to        respecting that forward movement doesn’t
        accomplish next and the exact point where I am        always happen on a timetable. Music, like most
        stuck. For instance, “I need a rhyme for this         professions, requires the development of many
        word that accomplishes such and such” or “I           skills, and working on several during the same
        need to figure out how to phrase something in         time frame can create a synergy where all the
        this email to promote myself better.” Again l find    skills develop faster.
        it vital to be as specific as possible. This mindset
        creates the intention in my subconscious to           So give yourself a break by pausing and priming.
        figure out the next step, as opposed to pausing       You’ll get more done and be much happier.
        with nothing but a bad feeling that would make
        restarting harder. Eventually (and sometimes          HappyRon is a songwriter and Music Coach who
        this will be months later) the answer will either     specializes in helping making playing music
        suddenly pop into my head at random times or          easier for people who don’t believe they are
        when I start to work on it again.                     capable of making music.   He is most well
                                                              known for his fun sing along songs like “If You’re
        AFTER PRIMING                                         Bored In San Diego (IT’S YOUR FAULT!).  His
                                                              Inspirational Quotes With Music Series videos
        I either:                                             have become very popular on Facebook and
                                                              YouTube.  You can see his music videos, read
        1) attempt to start again now that I have clearly     more articles he’s written, or download his free
        defined the sense of what I need to accomplish        Ebooks on music at his blog
        next or...

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