Page 21 - HaveFaithOct
P. 21

Holly Nicole Combs
                                   Holly Nicole Combs

                   hen I first became a songwriter, I had very
                   kind people trying to help me with market-
           Wing.  They told me that hashtags were cru-
           cial when trying to be noticed by online social cir-
           cles.  I thought to myself, "Cool, I just need to put a
           symbol in front of my words, and I will get record
           sales and fans!"  As time went by, I wasn't getting
           either.  As a matter of fact, I am pretty sure most of
           my friends and family weren't even listening to my
           music.  I spent hours researching hashtags and
           search engine optimization.  I not only found it
           incredibly boring, but I did not see any improve-
           ment.  I paid for Facebook advertising, but I only
           have a certain amount of money I can spend.  My
           conclusion was that I sucked, but wait,  I liked my
           music.  Since I liked my music, there have to be
           some other weirdos out there like me.  That's when
           I concluded there is just too much damn noise on
           the internet, and my weirdo tribe cannot find me.

           Have you ever been in a crowded room at a party    the crowd at his speeches to cheer loudly for him,
           or a social event?  There are a plethora of        and some that did not believe in his ideologies still
           conversations happening simultaneously.  A lot of  cheered for him due to fear of judgment from the
           times people cannot hear or attend to someone      rest of the crowd. Could that be what has hap-
           sitting right next to them because there is just too  pened on the internet?  Are most people that are
           much commotion, and if they can hear them, they    overly dogmatic politically just strategically
           are too distracted to truly focus on what is being  cheering?  Are they agreeing because they want to
           said.  That is all the internet is.  It is a crowded  fit in with their co-workers, friends, or any other
           room filled with distractions.  Algorithms are made  group?  Could this have completely changed our
           to favor those that can afford to pay for          country's government?
           advertisement; therefore, the wealthier you are,
           the more noise you are capable of making.  This    A longitudinal Princeton Study was done and
           pisses me off.  Artists and intellectuals of all   concluded that the United States government is so
           mediums are being stifled because of the massive   influenced by big business that it is no longer a
           amount of information on the web, and they are the  democracy or a republic but, in fact, a
           ones most likely to promote social change and      constitutional oligarchy.  If I am being honest, I
           expose injustices.  Instead, we rely heavily on what  cannot identify myself as either of the two major
           we are told by the voices with the most money.     political parties in the United States.  Most of us
                                                              are just working from paycheck to paycheck and
           Everything that starts out as a strong voice for the  trying to feed our families and be happy, but one of
           people always  ends up getting into the hands of   the things that make people happy is feeling like
           those with more money and power.  112 years ago    what they do and say matters.  The internet is
           William Randolph Hearst, the son of a wealthy      becoming more and more like a bunch of
           senator, built a publishing empire sensationalizing  advertisements and political disagreements, and
           stories using what is known as "yellow             unless you have something someone can argue
           journalism".  He is even quoted as saying, "You    about or a catchy and expensive advertising
           furnish the pictures, and I'll furnish the war."  He  campaign, you are merely white noise.
           was able to cause conflict by interpreting the
           pictures for the people that ultimately led to the  In response to all of this, I wrote an avant-garde
           Spanish-American war.  Do you see parallels        jazzy rap song called "Hashtag".  It combines the
           today?  Most people have become so rigid in their  ignorant bliss of the roaring twenties prior to The
           beliefs that they side completely with one politician  Great Depression with more modern electronic
           who uses words, pictures, and situations to their  elements.  As a modern artist, I know my chances
           advantage.  Corporations and politicians use       of being heard are slim, but it was put into my
           dogmatism people have to manipulate otherwise      consciousness for a reason.  As a result, I am
           intelligent people, but how do intelligent people  going to hashtag that shit, expect the worst, and
           allow themselves to be manipulated?  People have   hope for the best.
           an innate need to belong.  Prior to his rise to
           power, Hitler planted multiple people throughout   Link to Holly’s website...

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