Page 20 - HaveFaithOct
P. 20
There's too much damn noise to validate my own self worth
on the internet And don't forget, none of this is
A place where people go to for- real
get You gotta Hashtag that shit.
Their monotonous daily lives
Or chat up other people's wives Should I vote left
Oh, there's so much damn noise or should I vote right
on the internet This battle on the internet
is a constant fight
On Twitter, they tell you what to These dogmatic beliefs
feel have done us in
You gotta hashtag that shit This must be what happened
On Instagram, they tell you to the ancient Romans
what you want
You gotta hashtag that shit They tell us what to feel
On Facebook I need followers They tell us what to see
to validate my own self worth They tell us what to believe
And don't forget, none of this is
real It's a political, maniacal,
You gotta Hashtag that shit. egotistical game
People in marketing divisions There's too much damn noise
are making crucial decisions on the internet
They tell us what we want A place where people go to for-
and trick us with colors and get
fonts Their monotonous daily lives
With deep knowledge Or chat up other people's wives
of SEO's the corporate control Oh, there's so much damn noise
of our five senses grows on the internet
They tell us what to taste
They tell us what to feel On Twitter, they tell you what to
They tell us what to fear feel
You gotta hashtag that shit
It's a digital, electrical, On Instagram,
psychological game they tell you what you want
You gotta hashtag that shit
There's too much damn noise On Facebook I need followers
on the internet to validate my own self worth
A place where people go to for- And don't forget, none of this is
get real
Their monotonous daily lives You gotta Hashtag that shit.
Or chat up other people's wives
Oh, there's so much damn noise You gotta hashtag that shit!
on the internet
#Hashtag, A Musical Commentary
On Twitter, they tell you what to About the #Hashtag,
A Musical Commentary About
the Struggle To Be Heard
You gotta hashtag that shit
On Instagram,
they tell you what you want By Holly Nicole Combs
You gotta hashtag that shit
Click to listen...
On Facebook I need followers