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Joni Mitchell
                                                              Joni Mitchell

         refused to marry Joni, and she felt she had no      In 1982 Joni married bassist Larry Klein, who
         choice but to give her daughter up for adoption.    worked on her album Wild Things Run Fast. Klein
 T       The adoptive parents renamed the baby girl          soon became an established music producer and
         Kilaruen Gibb. After keeping her daughter a
                                                             worked on a number of Joni’s albums throughout
         secret and being separated from her for over 30     the late '80s and early '90s. While the couple
         years, Joni reunited with her in 1997.              worked on Turbulent Indigo, they eventually
 H       A few weeks after giving birth to Kilaruen, Joni    divorced in 1994. The following year Turbulent
                                                             Indigo won a Grammy for best pop album.
         met American folk singer Chuck Mitchell and
 E       married him 36 hours after meeting him. The         You can discover more about Joni from her web-
         couple left for Michigan where they had an
         official ceremony in June 1965 and she took his
         last name. They divorced two years later.

 C                             Albums By Joni Mitchell


                                     1968 - Song To A Seagull
 R                                            1969 - Clouds

                                 1970 - Ladies Of The Canyon

 C                                               1971 - Blue
                                        1972 - For The Roses

                                      1974 - Court And Spark
 L                        1975 - The Hissing Of Summer Lawns

                                               1976 - Hejira
 E                        1977 - Don Juan’s Reckless Daughter

                                              1979 - Mingus
                                  1982 - Wild Things Run Fast

                                          1985 - Dog Eat Dog
 G                           1988 - Chalk Mark In A Rainstorm

                                      1991 - Night Ride Home
 A                                    1994 - Turbulent Indigo

                                     1998 - Taming The Tiger
 M                                     2000 - Both Sides Now

                                           2002 - Travelogue
 E                                              2007 - Shine

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