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Somewhere Town

                                    Brett Westgrove

          NASHVILLE, TN - 8/12/2019: Rapidly rising           master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering
          country artist Brett Westgrove has                  and coming from a job commanding NASA
          released his much-awaited debut album               spacecraft, the rocket scientist made an
          “Somewhere Town,” along with the kick-off           unexpected move - he sold what he owned,
          single of the same title. Quickly spreading         headed to Nashville with nothing but his
          through the radio world and becoming a              guitar and student debt, and began paving
          top request, “Somewhere Town” is placing            his way through the music industry.
          Brett at the top of many country fans’ New
          Artists To Watch list.                              Living in a car with no heat, Westgrove
                                                              slept in below-freezing conditions,
          With a refreshingly unique sound that feels         showered at a local gym, and spent his
          both at home in the country genre, while            days playing music and networking. It
          also being emblematic of country-life in a          didn’t take long for him to get noticed,
          modern world, Brett’s songs draw                    thanks to an overwhelmingly strong drive
          listeners into a landscape expertly painted         and work ethic, not to mention his
          by the lyrics of real-life experiences.             undeniable musical talent. Westgrove was
          “Somewhere Town” is an undeniably                   soon working with seasoned Nashville
          catchy and relatable song, which pays               songwriters, playing at top Nashville
          tribute to the countless map-dots                   honky-tonks, and was on the path to the
          scattered across the United States, and             “Somewhere Town” album release.
          around the world. These are the places
          that many people call a ‘nowhere town’.             For a more detailed look into the life and
          But to the people who came of age in, were          development of Brett Westgrove, as well
          defined by, and even lived and died by the          and more music, photos, and video con-
          moments in these towns, it can be summed            tent, please visit Brett’s website and social
          up by one simple lyrical quote:                     media accounts.

               “You may think it’s just a piece of  
                        nowhere ground…
               But to me it's a Somewhere Town”     

          Rooted in humble beginnings, Brett        
          Westgrove’s Nashville career was birthed
          from a few critical life-decisions that drew
          courage from his lifelong passion for
          performance. Having just received his

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