Page 35 - HaveFaithOct
P. 35

Verothchand Ramsewar
                           Verothchand Ramsewar

 rateful Child

         I'm a 42 years old,                but due to financial              years to write, because
         partially disabled man             constraint I therefore put        i'm an innate
         from South Africa.                 the "composing" aspect            perfectionist, although
         Around eleven years ago,           on hold, rather focusing          I'm fully aware nobody
         I had a brain                      on the writing.                   can attain perfection.
         haemorrhage which lead                                               The lyric is to honour and

         to a stroke, leaving me            I'm NOT a musicain or a           worship the "MOTHER"
         partially disabled.                singer, just a talented           figure in our lives, for a
         However, this affliction           songwriter and lyricist,          "motherly" love is kind,
         has strengthened my                but I can create voice            unadulaterated and
         resolve in ambition and            notes as a projected              sublime.  She’s our angel
         aspiration to become a             direction for the singer          on earth.
         pofessional                        and producer of a song.
         songwriter/lyricist.                                                 You may view more of my
                                            Lyrical Meaning:  The lyric lyrics on my Facebook

         I have been writing and            of "SONG OF A GRATEFUL            page.
         composing for 22 years,            CHILD" took me about 5            Please follow this link....

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