Page 31 - HaveFaithOct
P. 31
Brett Westgrove
Brett Westgrove
I was countin’ down the days, till I turned 18 Like front porch nights out at momma’s house
Had the truck loaded down, Hangin’ at the lake after sneakin’ out
swore I was gonna leave Bullet holes in a highway sign
I drove for miles, when it crossed my mind Down by the quarry at the county line
That where I’m headed may not be worth Cruisin’ the strip just one more round
what I leave behind Pickin’ up the girls, and making out
Counting stars from that run down dock
Further I got the more I thought it out Tailgates down at the old quick stop
Got as far as Baker’s bridge, You may think it’s just a piece
and I turned around of nowhere ground
Headed back to that somewhere town But to me it’s a somewhere town
Where it’s front porch nights We all have that place the we call home
out at momma’s house It’s where we’ll see our final sun go down
Hangin’ at the lake after sneakin’ out
Bullet holes in a highway sign Where it's front porch nights
Down by the quarry at the county line out at momma’s house
Cruisin’ the strip just one more round Hangin’ at the lake after sneakin’ out
Pickin’ up the girls, and making out Bullet holes in a highway sign
Counting stars from that run down dock Down by the quarry at the county line
Tailgates dropopin' at the old quick stop Cruisin’ the strip just one more round
You may think it’s just a piece Pickin’ up the girls, and making out
of nowhere ground Counting stars from that run down dock
But to me it’s a somewhere town Tailgates down at the old quick stop
You may think it’s just a piece
Spent some time out on the coast, at 23 of nowhere ground
Strummed my guitar, down in Tennessee And if you’re every looking for me
Worked a rig in Texas for awhile last year it’s right where I’ll be found
But to tell the truth Here in this somewhere town
I couldn’t wait to get back here Yeah I love this somewhere town
I’ve seen all the places that I dreamed about
But none of them made me Click here to listen....
want to stick around A319