Page 27 - HaveFaithOct
P. 27

Malcolm Galloway
                                         Malcolm Galloway

 my favourite tracks  this character in her novels particularly   • Bandwagon Network Radio Song Of The Year
 men It's Adequate's  engaging. I was honoured and relieved to hear
 was inspired by sci-  that she likes the song, and has been     • Banks Radio Australia's best album and best
 e's Imperial Radch  recommending it to her readers.              producer category shortlist
 d once been a war-
 d been distributed  Hats Off Gentlemen It’s Adequate are an eclectic  • Radio Wigwam Single Of The Year shortlist
 n many ancillaries -  band, combining progressive/alt-rock, funk,
  minds wiped. The  electronica, metal, and contemporary classical  • Metal Mayhem Radio band of the month
 er ancillaries were  influences. Their performances are passionate
 gment of the mind  and charismatic.                             • American Veterans Radio artist of the week
 om the perspective
                   They were recently highlighted as Prog Magazine  • NewEARS Album Of The Month award
                   Limelight artists.
 dominantly piano                                                They are currently finishing recording their fifth
 ores what she had  They stepped in at the last minute to replace an  album. Malcolm Galloway is also a contemporary
 s one and many")  injured band on the main stage at Hard Rock   classical/minimalist composer.
  was blended, now  Hell’s Prog Festival November 2017, one of the
 t the interconnect-  world’s leading indoor progressive rock events.  “Vocals that drip with passion and longing,
 hadn't really been  They performed to over 1000 people, opening for  ethereal flute and the achingly bluesy low-down
 iness. 'Empty' is a  Magnum, Focus and Carl Palmer. They were   guitar. Unashamedly progressive in its outlook…
 his section.      described by Hard Rock Hell magazine as ‘unlike-  gets under your skin with its elegant music and
                   ly stars who stole the show’, and by eFestivals as  heartfelt vocals… an engrossing musical
 g moves from her  the ‘highlight of the festival’.              experience. ‘Broken But Still Standing’ is a
 ad been obliged, at                                             brilliantly perceptive and original work of art that
 areness of the sig-  Hats Off Gentlemen It's Adequate are Malcolm  enthralls with every listen. Taken as a whole it is
  as a weapon. Now  Galloway (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and pro-  an utterly immersive musical experience that will
 one single vessel,  ducer) and Mark Gatland (bass, backing vocals,  captivate and enlighten the listener, Hats Off
 orld from a more  keyboards and co-producer), on their own, or with  Gentlemen Its Adequate has to be one of the
 allenging her previ-  one or more of Kathryn Thomas (flute).    most creative and innovative artists out there
 es the difficulty of                                            today.” Prog Radar
 ster with different  They have regularly broadcast on a wide range of
 ch other and giving  radio shows internationally, ranging from shows
                   focused on metal to ambient stations.
 on distant worlds'  Their music has been recommended by Steve
 ticism of imperial-  Hackett ("I particularly enjoyed this album and I
 ong relates to the  thoroughly recommend it”) and won many awards
 redited) idea of the  including:-
 n which to write.
                   • Beasties Rock Show's album of the year award
 s writing, and find  (shared with Alice Cooper and Roger Waters)

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