Page 39 - HaveFaithOct
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                Brad is 28.   Totally --- TWO Generations --- One  Country tunes from 50s - Today. The lads often
                Foundation.                                       take over and do their own original progressive
  of 5 spots in                                                   rock songs and also salute Van Halen, Jimi
 TFest 2019     SIVLE (Elvis spelled backwards and pronounced     Hendrix and other rock icons.
 ly secured     “civil”) is a versatile Classic Rock and Vintage
  thing was     Pop band from Brantford Ontario Canada, bring-    SIVLE is a refreshingly youthful band combining
 that was the   ing together legendary tunes combined with        two generations of musicians while bridging the
                masterful vocals & musicianship. SIVLE is a fam-  age gap through likable tunes and interactive
                ily oriented band consisting of Joan Minnery on   dynamic stage showmanship. Two Generations -
 Bill, my broth-  lead vocals, her son Bill Minnery on lead guitar,  -- One Foundation. "As always -- SIVLE is a must
 own in her     her brother Bob Minnery aka bigEZbob on           see live! You can't see the energy this band
 e thoughts     rhythm acoustic and Dan Taylor on bass and        gives off until you see them live. They connect
                drums. Original drummer Brad Bridges is cur-      with their fans and our energy feeds their ener-
 rted           rently on hiatus and joins in as his schedule per-  gy. If you only see their show once, you have to
 ventually      mits.                                             return to a number of shows to witness the
 was                                                              change from show to show, it’s an absolute
                While SIVLE is primarily a cover band; SIVLE      delight! While contemplating SIVLE, I couldn’t
                went into the recording studio in the summer of   help but think of the Grateful Dead who were
 Whatever It    2019 and has released their own original explo-   one of the early pioneers of direct relationships
 m/Son movie    sive rock anthem, "Whatever It Takes" along       with their live show fans and renown for fusing
 ed the         with their Dixie-Prog single entitled "What Would  many different styles together. SIVLE is the
 the key        Walter Do" a salute to Walter Gretzky. Both       Grateful ALIVE.” ~ Ken Shipman, Brantford ON
 ked at each    songs were written by Bill, Bob and Joan along
 s the title and  with sister Anne Minnery. Both singles have gar-
 tle.           nered radio air play on Indie stations in
                California, Australia, England, Germany, Calgary
 with Anne      and Ontario Canada. They are distributed
 Bob and I      through CD Baby and available on Itunes,
  all of the    Spotify, Google, Amazon, Sound Cloud and          https://sivle.webstarts.com
 l chorus.      more.                                             com/channel/UCfF6dH4nfIoJHKZIYxj4Y1g
 n eventually                                           
                SIVLE were selected out of over 450 bands to
                play one of 5 spots and were the opening act for
 s in Brantford  the 2019 WTFest Rock Festival, one of Ontario’s
  is owned by   largest music festivals.                          pseYebmge4/profile
                SIVLE were the featured entertainment at the      63
                2019 Mayor's Levee at the Brantford Armouries
 s 27 and       and will be again for 20/20. They also headlined
                the 2018 'FIND YOUR SPIRIT FEST’ and the 2018
                'Downtown Music Fest' both at Harmony Square
                in Brantford.

                They have packed rooms at the Sanderson
                Centre, the Corktown Pub, Delhi Harvest Fest,
                Jeffery’s Lounge, Manny’s Place, Branch 90
                Legion, Tansley's, Upper Thames Brewery, the
                Norfolk County Fair, the Polish Hall, Frankies
                Hometown Tavern, the St. George Legion, the
                Honest Lawyer, the Dairy Capital Cheese
                Festival, the Norwich Museum and has a heated
                schedule at a variety of festivals, fairs and local

                SIVLE salutes the classic sing-a-long hits of the
                Beatles, CCR, Janis Joplin, Tina Turner, Johnny
                Cash and of course ELVIS. There is something
                for everyone as the band also covers Pop and

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