Page 37 - HaveFaithOct
P. 37

Hugh Webber
                                                            Hugh Webber


 ore of a hobby back then.   thinking about the conversations we had    chance.  I continue to pitch songs for
 ok a 10 year gap due to     had at the end of his life, and how I had  TV / Film sync but have yet to get a
  a family and look after    been feeling at the time.  This was        placement.
 after which I returned to   encapsulated in the original concept of the
 more seriously.  I signed up  song – if you believed what I believed, then  My motto at all times has been “NeverQuit”.
 entored songwriting and     we can see each other again in the afterlife
 n course run by a London    – whatever that might mean for you. The    My current big project is working with a
 ng Academy.  This gave me   final lyric is probably the eighteenth version  local up and coming country music artist,
 ities to write with other   since the song began, so never be afraid to  helping her develop ideas into complete
  musicians and singers.  In  edit until you are happy!  I was also     songs.
 ave me the chance to write  fortunate that it made to the Semi-finals of
 -Platinum writers and learn  the UK Songwriting contest in 2018, and it  I am always looking to work with new
 eople who had been there.   even got played on local BBC Radio.        artists and singers, so if you are in the
 how to use strong images                                               South West region, please do contact me.
 motions to build a song that  Other projects & future:                 I’d love to help you take an idea and build it
 universal feelings in a way  I have continued to write, and have       into a full song to be proud of.
 n artist or audience would  provided music tracks for advertising
                             projects, ghost-written for European
                             producers and American clients using the   -youll-believe
 this song:                  online SoundBetter platform.  I even got
 ‘Say You’ll Believe’ as just  shortlisted for a London based musical
 xpress more deeper          theatre project; sadly I didn’t make it onto
 otions, but quickly found   the final writing team, but considering I had
 bout my late Father, and    not ever written a song for a musical, I was
 n faith and beliefs.  I was   pleased that my demo even got me the

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