Page 41 - HaveFaithOct
P. 41

Greg Barnett

 It  Seems

             My first song

             A friend and I each had done a solo CD of       The lyrics had come fairly easily to me, a
             covers, and together a CD of duets.  Heck,      melody easily to Mike, and the structuring
             the obvious thing was to write our own songs,   and embellishments were a breeze for me
             right? WRONG!  We tried several times to get    once there was a core on which to build.
             the juices flowing, but we got nowhere. We
             sought inspiration from books of quotations,    It should be noted that although McDonalds
             thesauri, poetry, novels opened at random.      tends to receive a lot of ribbing from our
             Nothing sparked. We Listened intently to        generation, it played a big part in my lyric
             documentaries       featuring    songwriters.   writing. Around this time, I’d have breakfast
             Apparently a single overheard phrase gave       at McDonalds almost every day on the way to
             Mark Knopfler “Money for Nothing”. Well,        work.  I was such a regular that they even
             good for him ... but it didn’t help us? We      presented me with a VIP card ... all the fat
             effectively gave up trying.                     and sugar I could eat! Jokes aside, it was the
                                                             one part of the day when I could concentrate
             In February 2001, an ex-colleague and a good    on lyrics. After my regular bacon’n’egg
             friend of mine, the same age, died. This was    McMuffin, a bottomless cup of quite
             perhaps the closest death I had experienced     reasonable coffee allowed me to read a
             to date and, besides the great discomfort of    paper and let my mind freewheel and explore
             seeing his family grieve, I felt a great guilt in  various options of lyrical ideas. Phrases,
             that I had never expressed my affection and     lines, couplets and whole verses would spill
             admiration to his face.                         out that I’d scribble into an ever-handy paper
                                                             notebook. Some just never gelled and were
             Anglo-Saxon men leave so many things            discarded. Some were OK and just needed
             unsaid for so many reasons. While trying to     reworking. A few were great and lasted
             write a eulogy, words began to form in a way    unchanged through the whole development
             that, with only minor changes, were a           process.
             fully-fledged song which offered broad
             interpretation about not expressing             From my own perspective, I do not agree with
             friendship more openly and making the most      most purveyors of creative writing courses
             of what you have while you have it.             who say “write, write and write” as pure
                                                             exercise.  For me, the right time had come
             This turned out to be a watershed moment.       and fortunately I was receptive to that
             Lyrics were no longer a barrier and within a    moment.   Note too that I have always been
             few weeks I had the basics of a dozen songs.    keen to ‘write’ throughout my life ... long
             My guitar friend Mike had just returned from    letters from my travels, computer user
             a folk festival and was revved up by the        manuals, club newsletters, and the like.  If
             creative atmosphere which crackles at such      you don’t have the constant itch and urge, I
             events. He read the lyrics and pulled a         don’t believe anyone will suddenly start to
             melody out of somewhere.  We definitely had     churn out lyrics.  But, hey, I’m wrong about so
             the kernel of a song, although the melody       many other things in life!
             had little variation. This is where, with a
             couple of adjustments, the verse and chorus     Click here to visit website...
             became different but complimentary. Some
             little embellishments, a cascade of chords
             for the intro, a second part for the chorus, an
             instrumental and a coda made for a
             “complete” song.

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