Page 33 - prim 5 booklet 2025 Summary hajar_Neat 3
P. 33

Delta Modern Language Schools  Unit 2 concept 3
Science department
Grade 5
1st term 2024 -2025

                   Comparing changes in matter

Melting : It is a process in which a matter is changed from solid to liquid state by heating.

➢ Matter can be changed from one state to another without any change in:

         its amount ( Mass)
number of particles of the matter

➢ We use thermal energy every day in:

                            cooking food
                          warming homes
           Sun keeps living things on the Earth alive

• Any matter is made up of very small particles.
• Particles in matter are always in motion state.
• When particles of a matter absorb more thermal energy they move, vibrate and spin

   around faster that causes this matter to become warmer.
• Light energy is like thermal energy when particles of a matter absorb them, particles

   move, vibrate and spin faster.

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