Page 34 - prim 5 booklet 2025 Summary hajar_Neat 3
P. 34

Delta Modern Language Schools
Science department
Grade 5
1st term 2024 -2025

        • In melting process:

  The particles of a   They move           Their     Matter
liquid matter release    slower        temperature   changes
                                                     to solid
   thermal energy                       decreases

• In freezing process:

The particles of a     They move           Their       Matter
solid matter gain        around        temperature   changes to
 thermal energy           more
                                         increases      liquid

Evaporation process                    Condensation process

 The particles of a liquid matter    When water vapor touches a cold surface,
gain heat energy and they move         the thermal energy of the water vapor is
                                           transferred to the cold surface so the
           around more and their            particles move slower and get close
    temperature increases so the
                                   together that causes the change of the water
            matter changes to gas            vapor from gas state to liquid state

• Notes:-

     ➢ 0◦C is known as the freezing point of water.
     ➢ ◦C is the measuring unit of temperature.

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