Page 2 - Bitumat PVC Waterstops
P. 2

exponsion-conlroclion (strucfure)  joint seen in concrele  struciures
      exposed to high & low wcler pressure ond for prevenfing  vibrotions
      ond deformotions  thoi would appeor in concrele blocks.
      Bitumcl  Wafersfops  is on internolly cosf PVC wotersfop  syslem
      monufocfured in o ronge of sizes for use in reinforced concrele
      struclures.  lt is essentiol  lo form o continuous  woferstop  network of oll
      joints io prevent the ingress of woter ond if is vit<rl to use focfory
      produced  fabricolions.  Bitumot Woterstops,  infernql  flexible  woterslop
      syslems,  hove been developed for positive  embedmenl in insitu
      concrele by creofing  c vqlve  qcfion  lo seol fhe woler  pofh,  suitoble
      for horizoniol ond verticcl opplicotions.

      .  Doms                        .  Hydro  Eleclricity & Thermol  Plonfs
      .  Ponds                       .  Bridges
      .  ConolLining                 .  Refining  Focilities
      .  Woter  Cislerns             .  Melro Consfructions
      .  Wofer Refining  Focilities  .  Power Plonts Vioducts
      .  Swimming  Pools             .  Supporfing Wolls
      .  Deck                        .  Flooring  Settled  on Ground  &
      .  Conslruction  Tunnels         Foundofions

      Bitumot  woterstops  serve os o bonier fo fhe possoge  of woler through,
      ocross, cr olong o construcfion  joinl  in o concrete sfructure exposed
      fo woler on one or more surfoces. They ore extruded  from high grode
      PVC compounded with firsl quolity plosticizers fo form o plioble
      woterstop syslem.
      They ore:
      .  Flexible                    .  Resistonf  to mony chemicols
      .  Strong ond Resilient         found in the soil.
      .  Weother Resisfonf           .  Ecsy lo lnstoll
      '  Unctfecled by Low           .  Accomodotes Joinf movements
       temperofures  or consfonf      while preventing  eoter movement
        immersion in waler            ihrough  fhe joinf.

                                {B  SERTES}

                                 BI 70 FD

                                 8210 CB

                                 B2I O FD

                                 B24O EXP
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