Page 4 - Bitumat PVC Waterstops
P. 4


                                          FITLER BOARD

                       SURFACE SEALANT  -/
                                                 TYING  WIRE TO SECURE
                                                 WATERSTOPS  IN POSITION

       Equipment by others
       Fine loolh sow wire brush, Slonley knife, I I0v or 220v power  source,
       blow lomp if non-eleciricol  mild steel knife is used.

       Heolth ond Sofety
       Fused site welded joinling of PVC wolersfops con resull in the
       liberofion of hydrochloric  ocid fumes, In conflned spoces forced
       ventilolion must be provided  or o suiloble respirofor used, On open
       sites speciol  precoutions  ore nof normolly requlred bul operofors
       should ovoid  inholing  ony fumes. Before  using elecfric welding knife
       ensure fhol it is conectly eorlhed.

       Bitumof  PVC wolerstops of the size ond dlmenslon  speclfied sholl be
       used lo form o conlinuous network os shown on lhe detoiled
       drowings  ond fixed in posifion  with slfe  lolnllng  llmlled to butt  Joinfs,
       slrictly in occordonce  wifh the monufoctur€r's  insfructions.

       Properties of PVC Compound
       Tensile sfrengfh    13.78 N/mm2 (2000  psl)
       Elongolion ol breok 300%
       B.S. Soflness       45
       Specific Grovily    1.25 - 1.35

       Compound Tested  in occordonce wifh BS 2571 ond US
       Corps of Engineers CRD-C572-74.
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