P. 15
It Is OK to Not Complete a Book
Are you a voracious reader? Do you make it a point to finish all the books that you read?
Have you ever finished reading a book? Do you move on to the next book only after the
completion of the previous one?
My answer to the above questions would be a big ‘No’. To be frank, the first time I read a
book was only after I had graduated. Neither my teachers nor my parents insisted on the
importance of reading. Only after choosing my teaching profession did I realize the
importance of reading and how ignorant I had been throughout my childhood and college
if my school had a library or posters in the classroom displays highlighting
days. Maybe
inspiring sayings like: ‘Today a reader is tomorrow a leader’, I wouldn’t have wasted so many
days without being aware of books and their importance.
I convinced myself to start my adventure with reading with this saying by George Eliot: ‘It is
never too late to be what you might have been’. Being a beginner and due to poor knowledge
when it came to selecting appropriate genres, it was too hard for me to choose a book
suitable to my taste and preference. This pushed me to a confused state of mind with regards
to selecting a befitting book to read.
And then to my surprise and delight, a scholastic publisher announced that they would be
exhibiting a book carnival for a span of three days in the school where I work. I was thrilled
beyond measure and was eagerly waiting for the commencement of the fair. It was the first
day of the carnival when I entered the fair and started browsing the shelves. At first sight, I
came across a shiny, black with golden coating, hard bound book named Unposted Letter by
Mahatria Ra. It entranced me and I completely fell in love with its attractive appearance.
Narmatha G10 CBSE The saying, ‘Don’t judge a book by the cover page’, flashed upon my mind. I did not give it
much importance and finally purchased the book. The moment I received the book in my
hand it reminded me of what Eckhart Tolle and Dev Pilkey once said: ‘Books give you wings.’