P. 16

The more we read, the more we get to use our imagination and the more we use our imaginations, the more

        powerful we become. I was on cloud nine with the feeling that I had accomplished something even before I

        started reading the book.

        The book was brimming with inspirational and spiritual thoughts. By reading the book, I gained a lot of

        confidence and learnt to stay motivated more than ever. I could only read a few chapters because another book

        named The Secret  by Rhonda Byrne captured my attention soon. It was a motivational book. Knowingly or

        unknowingly I was always pulled towards  self-help books. The next book on my list was Who Will Cry When

        You Die? by Robin Sharma. I skimmed  through the chapters and read what I found captivating. My to-read list,

        now contains the following:

                      One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson

                      The Secret of Leadership by Prakash Iyer

                      I Can I will by Arun Mital

                      Die Empty by Todd Henry

                      A Quest for a Lifetime by Sunil Raveendaran

                          Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

        My love for reading, my search  for attractive books, my fondness for aesthetic font styles and beautiful cover

        pages,  my  attachment  towards  self-help  and  motivational  genre  and  my  quest  for  specific  authors  kept  on

        increasing until I soon realised that I had developed a habit of not finishing books. Should I finish every single

        book I read? Is it OK to leave a book when I am only halfway through it? I thought that perhaps the solution to

        this problem may manifest itself in the form of a genre shift. With this in mind I have started reading a novella

        named The Blue Umbrella by Ruskin Bond. I hope this time I get to complete a book.

        Though I couldn’t finish many books from the time my reading journey started, I still feel good about the fact

        that I was able to taste a lot of diverse texts, genres, ideas and styles within a limited period of time. I never felt

        bad about not completing a book. Just by reading a few chapters, I could usually understand what the author

        was trying to say. This is why I wish for complete freedom of choice when it comes to the question of  finishing

        a book. I don’t want to feel guilty about not being able to reach the end of a book. I don't think it is necessary to

        complete every book that we start reading. As Francis Bacon once said, 'Some books are to be tasted, others to be

        swallowed, and some few to be chewed and  digested.' There will always be some books that are meant to be

        read only in part  s, while there are others that exist to be read from the beginning till the end, with diligence

        and attention.


         Ms. Deepa P.
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