P. 30


                 Explain the “motivation problem” in Company KLM in terms of the content

                 models of Maslow and Herzberg. What are the “other things” that the hu-
                man resources manager is referring to in speaking of things besides mon-

                 ey, conditions, and fringe benefits that are needed to motivate employees?


                    The motivation problems are the issues within the workplace that affect the perfor-

            mance and behaviors of the employees. There are two models that can be used to explain
            these problems such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s view of satisfaction
            and dissatisfaction. These two models include the factors that are needed to motivate an

            employee which affects their performance and behavior.

                    In Company KLM, there are motivational issues that companies should be attentive

            to in order to motivate the employees in terms of Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
            As we all know, there are various stages in the motivational model of Maslow. These in-

            clude the physiological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness needs, esteem needs
            and lastly, self-actualization.
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