Page 27 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 SEPT DIG
P. 27

f) Unalterable, which cannot be altered by an external force.

               g) Invariable, which can change position without thereby moving to an unstable posture.

               h) Solid and anchored in the ground, so that the legs constitute solid support columns and the

               feet as if they were buried in the ground.

               i) Strong, that reflects a message, a mental attitude towards combat or defense, etc.

               j) Adapted to the morphology of the practitioner according to the matrix: weight / size

               k) The legs must be separated at a minimum distance across the hip

               l) Semi-flexed knees, which prevent seeing the big toe

               m) That allows fluidity and comfortable displacement.

                                    “...STRONG, THAT REFLECTS A

                                    MESSAGE, A MENTAL ATTITUDE

                                    TOWARDS COMBAT OR DEFENSE...”

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