Page 6 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 SEPT DIG
P. 6



                                                       THE TERM PRANAYAMA, IS A SANSKRIT WORD, AND
                                                       IS LITERALLY TRANSLATED AS “VITAL BREATH CON-

                                                       Pranayama techniques can be classified into three groups:
                            By Henry Binerfa
                             Martial Science
                           Magazine Director           1. The one that aims to improve the physical health of man.

                                                       2. The one that focuses on awakening the latent powers of the
                   “...Tai Kamae we learn to

               develop techniques in a right           3. The one whose main base is to promote rapid progress along
                 way, thus through practice            the Spiritual Path.

                 we learn to carry them out            The method that we will discuss next is known as: “The obser-
                   without stopping to think           vation of breathing” is a technique that is present in most of

                   or to look at our bodies to         the procedures of the ShinKaiDo Ryu practice and is based on
                                                       Chan Buddhism.
               repeat it. Once this happens,

                   we get to a higher level of         Before beginning the practice of the exercise we must consider
               knowledge of Kamaes within              these aspects

                              Shin Kamae...”           • When observing breathing, you should never force your
                                                       rhythm. Let the breath follow its natural cadence. It doesn’t

                                                       matter if the breathing is deep or shallow: the key lies in ob-
                                                       serving from the attention. If breathing is deep, we know it is

                                  Martial Science Magazine, Volume 30, ISBN 9781795461030,  is Published quarterly,
                                           by Martial Science Publications LLC., Phone: (702)439-9071
                            Website: - Email: All rights reserved.

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