Page 7 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 SEPT DIG
P. 7

deep; If it is superficial, we know that it is superficial.  When we feel that we have already advanced in the
             We simply observe and accept, we don’t get in the way. exercise, we can stop using the accounts, in the most
                                                                 natural way possible we only observe the breath.

             • Breathing, if we do not suffer from any disease that
             prevents it, is always done through the nose, and nev-
             er through the mouth.

                                                                                Henry Binerfa | Publisher/CEO
             We can observe the breath in several ways:                        Martial Science Publications, LLC

             A. Watching the abdomen. We can observe the breath
             giving attention to the abdomen. We simply observe

             how the abdomen rises on inspiration and how it falls
             on exhalation.

             B. Observing the space between the upper lips and the
             nostrils. We can also observe the breath feeling it in
             the space between the upper lips and the nostrils. We
             simply watch it coming and going.

             C. Observing the Prana mentally. This can be done
             through the creative imagination (Kriya Shaky),
             where to use the power of detection by directing the

             currents of Prana through the different energy chan-

             When we begin the training of the observation of
             breathing we can resort to the method of counting:

             With the first inspiration we mentally count “one”;
             with expiration we recount “one.” To the next inspi-
             ration we count “two”; With expiration, we recount

             “two.” We repeat the process until a cycle of up to ten
             is completed. If we get lost in the account, we must
             not worry, we simply start over from the beginning.

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