Page 12 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 SEPT DIG
P. 12
By David “Sensei“ Stainko
– Mag. of kinesiology
Master 7th Dan
Jump kicks are surely one of the most bat skills Various Jumps oVer obsta-
popular martial arts techniques. cles were performed. eVen in the time
Various martial arts experts agree of the ancient greek, in knossos,
that their practice is one of the most Jumps oVer a bull were performed, and
beautiful, but also, in the terms of later, famous competitions in Jumping
fine motor skills, the most demand- oVer a horse were held worldwide.
ing part of martial arts trainings. those kind of competitions are men-
numerous martial arts masters per- tioned in europe (spain, france, en-
form Various Jump (flying) kicks of gland, in scandinaVian countries, in
which many are truly breathtaking the balkans, russia, ukraine, po-
and they attract spectators’ atten- land), but also in china, mongolia,
tion thanks to their beauty and skill. korea, Japan, australia and in some
martial arts experts agree that the parts of south and north america.
performing Jump (flying) kicks falls in africa, Jumps of the watusi tribe
among adVanced martial arts tech- are especially known- they Jump from
niques. small eleVations of termite mounds.
also, different historical legends
the performance of Various Jumps that are known in many parts of the
show combat skills and strength, as world. they mention certain war-
well as the demonstration of Jump riors who Jumped oVer Various ob-
kicks has a long history and tradi- stacles, for example, from a heap of
tion in many martial arts across the rocks, a fire obstacle, a riVer or oVer
world. there isn’t a country where pinned spears.
alongside the demonstration of com-