Page 15 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 SEPT DIG
P. 15

acrobatic  kicks  –  these  kicks  in-          what is their real purpose are ques-
                  clude moVements such as flips, hori-            tions that are often asked. some be-
                  zontal spins, multiple spins and Jump  lieVe that performing a Jump (flying)
                  kicks  with  three  or  more  separate  kick  in  combat  is  useless  and  eVen
                  kicks  in  one.  acrobatic  kicks  are  dangerous for the fighter who uses
                  rarely  performed  with  a  standing  such a technique. those who think
                  Jump (as  in,  for  example,  when  per-        of  it  as  nonsense  haVe  proVided  us
                  forming an butterfly kick in the wu  with  legitimate  reasons  why  they
                  shu style), but usually use a small-            think  that  way. they  belieVe  that
                  er  or  bigger  running  start.  also,  such a technique is too risky and in-
                  acrobatic  kicks  are  much  rarely  effectiVe  in  sports  competitions  as
                  performed  in  martial  arts  because  well as in street fights. the fact is
                  their real use in martial arts is neg-          that the fighter performs the Jump
                  ligible. their performance is usual- (flying) kicks in the air and has no
                  ly reduced to a mere Visual attrac-             real support. so, it is much easier to
                  tion  where  an  athlete  wants  to  knock him down on the floor. also,
                  show off his acrobatic skills.                  many  ask  themselVes  what  is  the
                                                                  real effectiVeness, i.e. the strength
                  in  order  to  perform  Jump  (flying)  of  those  punches.  in  contrast  to
                  kicks  correctly,  the  athlete  needs  their Viewpoints, there are numer-
                  to haVe a strong take off, good flex-           ous  people  who  disagree  and  who
                  ibility and a controlled coordina-              consider  Jump  (flying)  kicks  to  be
                  tion of his moVements. additional-              Very useful.
                  ly, when practicing acrobatic kicks
                  he must haVe good acrobatic skills.  from  the  Very  beginning  of  deVel-
                  a  person  who  wants  to  perform  opment of certain styles, many dif-
                  Jump (flying) kicks needs to practice  ferent  martial  arts  styles  use  dif-
                  Various types of Jumps regularly as  ferent Jump (flying) kicks. in order
                  well  as  implement  explosiVe  train-          to  understand  the  reason  better,
                  ing  and  plyometrics  into  his  rou-          we  need  to  traVel  back  to  distant
                  tine (lat. plyo + metric= measurable  past  when  martial  arts  were  first
                  increase or growth).                            created.  the  story  about  its  be-
                                                                  ginnings  is  familiar  and  known  to
                  a  martial  arts  master  need  to  eVeryone. the story about the leg-
                  haVe  well  deVeloped  stomach  and  endary shaolin temple talks about
                  leg  muscles  if  he  wants  to  per-           its martial arts masters who deVel-
                  form Jump (flying) kicks. for exam-             oped Various martial arts styles by
                  ple,  the  stomach  muscles  that  the  obserVing and, later, imitating dif-
                  athlete  needs  to  strengthen  are  ferent animals in combat. the fact
                  the  following-  rectus  abdominis,  is that many domestic as well as fe-
                  transVersus  abdominis  ,  umbilicus  ral animals used Jumps in combat or
                  and  adductor  lumbar  as  well  as  in  defense  instinctiVely. for  exam-
                  strong leg and glute muscles- glu-              ple, a cat, dog, rooster or a goose
                  teus  maximus,  gluteus  medius  and  may hit the attacker while Jumping.
                  gluteus  minimus.  also,  lower  leg  also,  Various  feral  animals  such
                  and  shin  muscles  are  of  great  im-         as a wolf, fox, deer, tiger, leopard,
                  portance-  gastrocnemius  and  so-              monkey,  kangaroo  will  hit  the  at-
                  leus as well as well deVeloped foot  tacker by using a Jump. eVen animals
                  muscles. one of the most important  such as a bear, some birds or snakes
                  muscles that helps with the perfor-             will sometimes instinctiVely Jump on
                  mance of Jump kicks is the external  their attacker. the number of such
                  oblique muscle.                                 animals is too great to think of it
                                                                  as coincidence. obViously, many an-
                  is  there  any  point  in  performing  a  imals instinctiVely use defensiVe or
                  Jump  (flying)  kick  in  combat  and  offensiVe Jumps in order to surViVe.

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