Page 13 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 SEPT DIG
P. 13

some martial arts historians belieVe  to be fulfilled with a certain punch
               that  Jump  (flying)  kicks  haVe  deVel-         or action in which a Jump kick is used.
               oped  so  that  a  pedestrian  could  de- therefore,  Jump  kicks  can  be  diVided
               fend himself from an attacker riding  into  three  basic  groups-  Jump  kicks,
               a  horse  (or  standing  from  any  kind  flying kicks and acrobatic kicks. ac-
               of eleVation, e.g. fighter cart). that  robatic kicks - they are subsequently
               kind  of  Jump  (flying)  kicks  perfor-          diVided into acrobatic Jump kicks and
               mance  was  noted  in  Various  histor-           acrobatic flying kicks.
               ical  legends  across  the  world,  e.g.
               china, mongolia, korea, Japan, rus-
               sia (cossacks)  and  eVen  in  different  the  basic  diVision  of  punches  giVen
               european stories, america and aus-                during  a  Jump  depends  on  the  way  in
               tralia. this could be one of the rea-             which  those  punches  are  thrown.
               sons why Jump kicks are used in mar- the  Jump  kick  technique  can  there-
               tial arts, but that, of course, is not  fore  be  diVided  into  three  phases-
               the only reason- there exist many.                taking  off,  flying,  i.e.  performing  a
                                                                 punch  and  landing.  howeVer,  the
               firstly,  a  certain  diVision  of  Jump  flying kick technique consists of one
               kicks needs to be made. a basic diVision  additional phase- the running start.
               can follow certain phases according  hence,  the  basic  flying  kick  tech-
               to  which  Jump  kicks  techniques  are  nique is diVided into four phases- the
               performed. the  diVision  is  also  made  running start, flying (which is much
               according  to  different  ways  of  per-          longer that the Jump kick technique),
               forming  Jump  kicks,  i.e.  according  to  the punching phase and the landing.
               their  purpose  and  goal  that  wants  when performing an acrobatic kick,

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