Page 14 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 SEPT DIG
P. 14

the  basic  technique  can  be  diVided  as the landing foot once a Jump kick
               into  three  or  four  phases,  depend-         is made.
               ing on the way it is made.
                                                               flying kicks are performed in a way
               Jump  kicks  are  carried  out  with-           in which an athlete starts off to-
               out a running start, i.e. as a stand-           wards a target. the running start
               ing Jump. for those who are right-  consists  of  seVeral  steps,  usually
               handed the left foot is the one they  5  to 7  running  steps,  but  can  also
               take off from and Vice Versa.  that  take  a  longer  running  start  of  7
               means  that  right-  handed  people  to 9 steps. an eVen longer running
               take off using their left foot while  start  consisting  of  9  to  12  steps
               the right foot first makes a swing  is  Very  rarely  used.  so,  when  per-

               which  later  turns  into  a  punch.  forming  a  flying  kick,  a  running
               Jump  kicks  are  usually  performed  start consisting of 7 to 10 meters
               from a stance in which the left foot  is usually used. it rarely adds up to
               is  put  forward  and  the  right  foot  a maximum of 14 meters. the flying
               stands at the back so it can giVe a  phase is much longer and the height
               forceful  punch.  an  alternatiVe  in  of the Jump is far greater in compar-
               which a Jump kick is performed plac-            ison to Jump kicks. a right- handed
               ing the right foot forward is rare-             person takes off with his left foot
               ly used. all punches are made from  while punching his target with the
               a  standing  Jump,  howeVer,  a  short  right foot. after giVing the punch,
               take  off  consisting  of  one  or  two  the  landing  is  made  with  the  left
               steps is rarely used. if the left foot  foot.
               is used for take off, it will be used

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