Page 16 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 SEPT DIG
P. 16

if  many  animals  do  this  instinc-          performed  in  many  martial  art
              tiVely,  why  shouldn’t  the  man  do  styles, such as korean styles of hap
              the  same?  we  can  almost  say  for  ki do, hwa rang do, tang so do and
              sure  that  great  ancient  kung  fu,  especially  in  the  skill  of  tae (Jump
              tae  kwon  do  or  karate  masters  kick) kwon do as well as in Various
              thought the same way. the legend-              styles  of  karate,  kung  fu  and  eVen
              ary wrestler- Joe “Jumping” saVol-             in  Jiu  Jitsu  and  aikido  where  it  is
              di can also be mentioned. in 1934,  called tobi ashi (Jump techniques).
              he was the first to use a punch that  Jump  kicks  are  also  used  in  other
              is  today  known  as  the “drop  kick”  styles,  for  example,  in  muay  thay
              in the catch  wrestling technique.  (the  famous  Jumping  knee  punch),
              the  punch  was  allegedly  made  capoeira,  kalaripayatt  and  many
              when  saVoldi  immitated  austra-              other.
              lian kangaroos during fight.
                                                             the  most  frequently  performed
              the  efficiency  of  the  Jump (flying)  are- Jump front kicks (tobi mae geri
              kick depends on seVeral conditions.  /  twio  ap  chagi),  Jump  roundhouse
              the first condition is that the per-           kick ( tobi mawashi geri / twio do-
              son  performing  it  has  already  re-         lyo  chagi)  and  the  most  Visually
              hearsed  the  technique  well.  the  attractiVe  Jump  or  flying  side  kick
              second  condition  is  that  the  per- (tobi  yoko  geri  /  twio  yop  chagi).
              son  chose  the  right  Jump  (flying)  Jump front kick is also performed in
              kick, i.e. the one that is best to use  katas (poomsae), as in, for example,
              in a giVen moment as well as that he  a  tae  kwon  do  form  tae  geuk  pal
              can  perform  it  correctly.  lastly,  Jang. the Jump can also be comprised
              the athlete needs to know when is  of different hand or fist punches.
              the right moment during a fight to
              actually use it.                               in 1977,  the korean  tae  kwon  do
                                                             (hwa rang do) master dr yoo bang
              the  usage  of  Jump  kicks  differs  lee  performed  an  incredibly  high
              among Various martial arts styles,  Jump  (flying)  kick  that  reached
              according  to  the  techniques  they  3.66 meters. it happened in america
              use. it also Varies in different street  in  front  of  witnesses.  eVen  today
              fights.  so,  for  example,  in  sport,  many martial arts masters perform
              a  fighter  (competitor)  will  gain  Jump (flying) kicks that are oVer 3
              more points if he performs a Jump kick  meters  high.  being  able  to  make  a
              during  a  fight  which  will  assure  Jump (flying)  kick  of  such  a  height
              him Victory. in some other martial  is  truly  impressiVe,  especially  since
              sport, the athlete who performs a  we know that the world record in
              successful Jump kick can disable his  high Jump is 245 cm held by a cuban
              opponent and gain Victory. also, in  athlete  called  JaVier  sotomayor.
              street  fights, the Jump (flying) kick  haVing  in  mind  that  the  aVerage
              can  be  made  from  a  counterattack  height  of  masters  performing  the
              and  sometimes  to  assault  one  or  kicks  is  between  172  cm  and  178
              seVeral  opponents.  fighters  often  cm, the fact becomes eVen more un-
              decide  to  perform  an  Jump (flying)  belieVable.  high  Jump  athletes  are
              kick in order to keep their opponent  on  aVerage  Very  tall-  for  example,
              on a greater distance. if a Jump (fly- dick fosbury  is 194  cm  and JaVier
              ing) kick is successfully performed,  sotomayor  is  195  cm  tall.  also,
              it has a deVastating impact because  high  Jump  athletes  wear  special
              the weight of the person who per-              trainers  and  land  on  soft  exercise
              forms it adds up to its strength, as  mats which are up to 80 cm thick.
              well as a certain kinetic power.
                                                             laymen might think that high Jump
              Jump  (flying)  kicks  techniques  are  (flying)  kicks  are  usually  per-

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